I know the discussion is old. Anyhow I find the discussion very interesting!
The ongoing question not only here but a lot of places, is.
Can you make yourself incontinent, by training (here training means, by not exercising control of your bladder).
But one question which is not answered, is, what is incontinence and how does not materialize?
For some incontinence is where you only feel you are getting wet, while for others it's a strong and sudden urge to relieve yourself, an urge one cannot fight, but have to release their bladder in their pants.
Others again, resembles the strong urge, but for them it's the very uncomfortable feeling of having something in their bladder, but they do if they really try hard, have some muscle strength, although their sweating heavily when trying to hold back.. are they incontinent?
I fit into the last category myself, after 5 years of diaper training and not holding back to any urges. Am I incontinent, or just conditioned to diapers?