For constipation? Well, since the arrival of anal sex (always practiced in the past, never discussed) and coffee enemas into public forums such as YouTube, small enemas for cleansing the rectum only have advanced dramatically in popularity, so (only for constipation, now),
I would say it's a cleansing, takes just a few moment, and it solves all your constipation problems in 5 minutes or less, with no mess.
That's the analytical "me" speaking. If I go with common sense, I would probably have my female friend (that's who I'd be giving to) watch a couple of videos by women touting the benefits of bag style enemas. There are several.
Here are a couple links:
The idea that other young, pretty women do them won't hurt, and they get the pro's from a female who uses them. Recommend you search YouTube & find the best ones for your situation. There are MANY.
Of course, if you're a Dom like me, then: it's "Time for your enema, honey!" Or "I'm going to give you an enema now! Get undressed!" And then have her fill the bag. (OR have her watch while you do it.) then administer it to her (them).