On the other topic of Irritating cremes for lubes, Topical lotions like Ben Gay, Icy-Hot, and similar preparations
are VERY nasty....akin to ROCKET FUEL....ever have a nasty case of Jock itch..you know that nasty fungus ...burning
and itching down there...and spray it or put creme fungicide like Desinex on it...for a good 10 mins your are about to take off
like a rocket from the pain. I made the mistake once of sitting down to take a dump, after applying Ben Gay to aching Arms and shoulder after High School Football practice...Not realizing it, I still had some on my hand and fingers which inadvertantly got on my butt cheeks and hole after I wiped/cleaned myself....Oh...better yet.. how about the old trick of putting it in other players jock straps? that should tell you just how nasty it is.
I have been a DOM for a long time and RULE 1....you do not do to anyone else...what you could not do or have done to yourself. So...If you would not want a Dom to put BenGay up your poop shute...dont do it to anybody else. Before you do something to a Sub, make sure you know what it is going to feel like.
Vicks is fine...as it is not nearly as potent as Ben Gay or Icy Hot. it has plenty of sting without being overly unpleasant.
the same with Ginger root and other related items...and this brings us to RULE 2....Always try a SMALL dab of something on a person...just to make sure that three is no allergy or over sensitivity of some ingredient of anything you use on someone. What might be mild to YOU might be absolute torture to your Mate.