Hello ladies. From some of the many physical exam and gyn texts I have perused, as well as comments on the various forums, I have questions about what's included with your gyn exams. It would seem that some OB/Gyns do a brief physical with a gyn exam but that many others do just the breast and pelvic exam. There were even excerpts from magazines like "Teen", "Seventeen" and "Glamour" that alluded to the doctor "listening to your heart and lungs before proceeding to the basic breast, tummy and pelvic exam" but others thst didn't. Please take a moment or two to answer these questions for me.
Who does your gyn exam, OB/Gyn, Internist, Family Doc or NP/PA?
If your gyn exams are done by an OB/Gyn (or their NP/PA), do you see another type of practitioner for a routine physical?
For those that get a separate gyn exam, or only a gyn exam, does your gyn exam include:
HEENT exam?
Palpation of lymph nodes/thyroid?
Breast exam?
Auscultation of heart and lungs?
Examination of the belly?
For those whose OB/Gyn examines the belly, how thorough are they?
Auscultate bowel sounds?
Auscultate bruits?
Percuss liver? Bladder? Spleen?
Palpate lightly all over?
Palpate deeply all over?
Palpate liver? Spleen? Kidneys? Bladder?
Check for CVA tenderness?
Thanks for the info.