Hello all, bit of an absence of late and I had to restart my profile - it's good to be back. Thought I'd wade in here to kick things off again!
In terms of rubber lubricant I use a silicone lubricant. The original is Pjur Cult. It's marketed as a latex dressing aid, but as far as I can see it is simply a silicone lubricant. Quite a few of the latex design houses are selling their own version of this now and I have not noticed any difference between the versions sold by Pjur, Westwardbound and Honour/Skin Two.
I prefer this to baby powder as it provides a shine to the latex as well as making it easier to dress in. Baby powder can get a bit claggy when it mixes with the inevitable sweat. The silicone lube also lasts longer than baby powder, making it much more comfortable for long term wear. I must say I've never heard of using soap flakes or liquid soap to dress and I guess this would work. I would worry about whether this would dry out the skin or be a bit of an irritant over a longer period though.
The downside of using silicone lube is that it is a pain to clean off, both the latex and yourself. Also, if you spill any it can be really slippy unless you clean it up properly with a proper cleaning product - water doesn't clean it away at all.
With regards to wearing latex to work, I have, on a couple of occasions, worn latex underwear and stockings to work under my normal clothes. I wouldn't say it was particularly practical as in the stockings my feet slid around a lot and made it tricky to walk too far. I was also really self conscious of the sound it made and the smell of it. Nonetheless, they were very erotic experiences and certainly made it harder to concentrate on my day job!