This is something i can agree with you on, wearing diapers to bed, and i use mine by choice, to me i do find helps with stress. as well as i have found if i choose to wear during the day while out and about i feel less nervous and anxious around people, and i have been diagnosed with social phobia. Do i think you can become addicted, in my honest opinion....
but heres why i say yes. if you are doing something that makes you feel less stressed and feel good and sleep better, then if you arent doing it you remember the feeling of how it does feel and want it again. Sounds like addiction to me. Is this a problem? i do not believe so. There are so many other things out there that are addicting, and many of those are damaging or illegal. If diapers and wetting relaxes you and helps with stress and anxiety, i say that is a good thing. I mean if you are using diapers instead of alcohol or something illegal like recreation marijuana, and it helps and makes you feel good? Well then you arent doing anything illegal and cant get into any trouble, and atleast you havent heard of getting cited for driving while diapered "Dont drive while diapered, you could run someone over" Yeah right.
I also put a stress relief survey up on, it is a lot of ways to help with stress, i included wetting in bed, messing in bed, wetting in clothes, messing in clothes, wetting a diaper, and messing a diaper, all as seperate questions, as well as said look at these as if there is no evidence to support they work, then the final quest ask which would you try if there was evidence it worked
with 4 male voters: 2 said yes to wetting the bed, 3 said yes to wetting diapers, and 2 said yes to wetting their pants, only 1 male said yes to messing a diaper, all other messing questions were no for males
with 3 female voters: all said no for wetting or messing in bed, 2 said yes for wetting a diaper, 1 said yess for messing a diaper, as well as 2 said yes for wetting clothes and 1 said yes for messing clothes.
I would love to give the stats on the after, but i would have to download the results and go through each persons votes to calculate. But that DOES give you something to think about doesnt it. Oh and i have brought the idea of wetting and diapers helps reduce stress to my mental health provider. Not sure if she agrees or not, wont see her agin till the 8th, Oh and the voting stats are accurate to today.