If you genuinely have no choice or feel that Psychologically you can't live without them (in which case you need to talk to your doc about that anyways). I am incontinent so I always wear them everywhere I go.
For the most part medical staff don't pay any attention. Occasionally, you may get a typical kinda remark you would hear in the streets, "aren't you young to be in a diaper" or through the walls "20 yrs old and wearing diapers... geeze".
If you need help changing as I sometimes due thanks to my condition they will usually help. That being said, it will never meet your expectations fantasy wise. To think the experience is going to be life altering, sexually oriented, maternal, or anything other than clinical and over way too soon ( as it should be) you are very very mistaken.
I also would advise leaving the cushies, snuggies, and baby print diapers at home regardless of your reason for wearing. It makes other people (nurses etc.) uncomfortable to see a grown person in baby prints period.
I won't lie however, I have worn snuggies on a few occasions due to poor planning or unforeseen medical reasons. Just ask yourself what the most interesting man in the world would say".
I don't always wear abdl diapers in plain sight but, when I do I a'm a gentleman about it". Make the person who may being seeing the strange diaper aware of it and provide a reasonable (and truthful) explanation for why you wore it.
A Disabled Medical Professional