Agreed doctorbrianuk. From listening to my patients many relate that their previous playdoc has gone straight for the 'main chance', the genitals. Far from being an examination its simply a grope.
My patients get a full examination checklist, first of all a typical one, then, upfront of a meeting, will get a checklist dedicated to that patient and based upon discussion.
And yes, the examination is top to toe (or scalp to bunion). Its extended to breast, genital and rectal by agreement before the meeting but also confirmed at the time as still being the patients wish.
Each stage of the examination is explained and permission sought and each stage is commented upon before moving on. There is no deliberate stimulation or arousal but of course in many cases arousal is observed but not commented upon or furthered.
No 'treatment' is commenced without discussion, even if there has been prior discussion. Permission to continue into a 'treatment' phase is always sought.
I would view groping to be little short of assault and a patient would be fully justified in getting dressed and walking out, after roundly slapping the playdoc.