Have you read the book, The Modern Health Counselor, a 7th day adventist publication. I reference it constantly. It is the best book relating to treatment and enemas out there. I buy them all, and have tried to build a sequence. Up until the mid 1950s it was great. You look up a condition, it gives the simple home cures you can use or tells you to see a doctor if that is necessary. Then about then a big change. Enemas disappear, and the book begins giving the disorder, describing the symptoms then tells you to see a doctor---no more natural treatments.
Was this the result or our legal profession and more frequent suits, or the result of the medical profession and the increased sales and control of med schools by drug companies. I have explored the library and med school at Loma Linda, one of America's best medical schools and a 7th day adventist school, part of their church. 7th day adventists tend to be nurses or doctors.
The jist of it, scratch a born adventist over 55 and they know enemas. A young one won't any more than anyone else unless an aunt or mother continued to use the old advice.
Sex---sex is a big no, no in the Adventist church, they are more prudish than other fundamentalist chirstians. There is no mixing of enemas and sex at least openly. I write about this, and I have a lot of religious people that buy my books and contact me. Number one, Jews. Number two, fundamentalist christians including adventists, no three upper class African Americans; high percentage of well educated people, and wealthy people. The least likely to use enemas is the poor and ill educated. More common in some cultures than others.
The use of enemas thanks to Kellogg and others in the Adventist church is higher than most, as well they live longer than any other religious group in America and have healthier babies. I like them.
If you need an enema for clinical reasons an older Adventist nurse is a good choice to ask. I wouldn't do it for any other reason. They are nice people and tend to have high moral standards.