Oh my goodness, you are not an idiot at all. As I always say, the only stupid question is the one you don't ask.
Happy to enlighten you about this wonderful concoction. Several years ago Pfizer came out with a medication called Caverject. You can research the patent if you have that turn of mind. Although Pfizer still holds the trademark on the name Caverject, the medication is also available under several private labels. Anyway, the active ingredients are piperazine, which is actually used to tenderize meat, and prostaglandin which is a hormone. The two, used together with some carrier ingredients act as vasodilators. When injected into the corpus cavernosa of the penis, it causes blood to rush to the area.
I know all of that sounds a little gory. I don't know if you're an insulin-dependent diabetic (I am), but the syringe used to administer the injection is the same gauge, so it's very tiny. It really is just a pinprick to the shaft of the penis. The erection comes on in about five minutes and is generally sustained for about two hours, depending on the dosage given. The best part about the product for me and my partner is that the erections last even through ejaculation; so if you cum after a few minutes you can go again, but there won't be a second ejaculation. In my mind, that makes for one very happy partner, at least I am.
This isn't something that many GP's prescribe, I would think that you would have to have a consult with a urologist. The testing to determine if it's the right therapy for you is simple and painless, and can be done in about an hour or two. This treatment does require some medical management and follow-up but side-effects are rare if you follow instructions. There are some clinics across the country that specialize in this, if you're interested in finding out about the one my partner went to, PM me and I'll happily pass along the info. The stuff is not cheap, but neither are the oral drugs or any of the other therapies. You're kind of over a barrel when it comes to ED treatments, but I'm sure you know that.
My partner is in his early 60's and his ED is ideopathic; not of any determinable origin, it just "is". This therapy has been a Godsend for both of us and the fact that he went ahead and found a solution only makes me love him that much more. The fact that we are both confirmed medfets makes it just that much better, there is no scenario that this doesn't fit into. I've given him his injections, and he has self-administered, and it's just no big thing (the injection, that is).
I hope that helps. If you have any other questions, please feel free to PM me. If I can't answer them, I'll do my best to point you in the right direction.
Take good care,