Just a recommendation for a great, cheap and very effective toy.
Based on an Oral-B crossaction battery toothbrush, it is possible to create a highly erotic probe vibrator. The brush is moved by a large vibrating pin. Sawing off the brush and top part of the tooth brush, the pin comes completely exposed with a length of about 1 Inch.
The pin vibrates with a lot of force and low noise.
With a female patient, extremely useful to explore and probe the full vaginal area, inclusive clitoral hood and clit. My girlfriend has very powerful orgasms when undergoing a treatment with this instrument. It is very intense, just on the edge between pain and pleasure, and very erotic to watch.
On a male patient very effective to probe around de glans of the penis, as well as the whole top. When playing in a nurse role, my girlfriend even inserts it into the first part of the urethra on the top of my penis. Extreme pleasure mixed with a bit of pain, and makes me go over the top very intensely.
Just removing the disposable brush makes part of the pin exposed, and already is fine for clit stimulation. This way, no risk that the pin damages during the inevitable hip movements of the victim...