I wrote a reply to this question on Quora.com I hope it helps you a lot. When I was 12 I was put back in diapers for medical reasons. I was scared to death and found the only people who were able to help me were DL?TBs. I am not a DL but it hurt me a lot when my DL friends told me how badly people looked down upon them. I wanted to help them and started doing research to find the answer as to why they liked diapers. What I found I posted on Quora. I hope it helps to give many of you some reassurance that there is nothing wrong with you. I hope it is okay to use urls here too.
There is a lot to this question that good child psychologists are well aware of but many others are not.
This is about what is known as the Transitional Phenomenon and the Transitional Object . This phenomenon is something that all children experience and certainly not something to be taken lightly.
I do not normally reply to posts about Adult Diaper Lovers but after thinking about this I’m thinking I should, because an adult DL is normally a child or adolescent DL first. This is not about Infantilism you are always a diaper lover first.
First let me reassure you there is not anything wrong with you. Yes this is very normal for some boys and girls, though not as prevalent in girls.
There is nothing that you should be afraid of. This is much more common than people realize.
This phenomenon happens to a child in infancy.
This is about the baby’s first personal possession the first comforting possession known as the Transitional Object that helps the child to console themselves during times of anxiety, when the mother is not there for the child, and is carried with the child all the way through adolescents. And yes a diaper can very normally be that first possession. Just as easily as a teddy bear or a blanket. This is not something to be ashamed of or afraid of. All children experience this phenomenon.
It is not unusual but not something people know much about.
Do not shun your child for this. This is about the bond between the infant, child and adolescent and the mother that is crucial to good healthy development. (This is not about regression.)
This is something very important throughout a child’s life.
Please read my reply at the following post. Please read all of it, it is very informative.
How common is it for a 12 year old to like wearing diapers?
My reply is, Why do boys become Diaper Lovers?
It is a long post but try to read all of it. The last part is just as important as the first.
Some people would call this a fetish but the doctor whose paper I referenced my reply from did not feel that liking diapers in childhood nor adolescence constituted a fetish although it was possible to develop as an adult.
For a person who is a diaper lover wearing diapers is not in itself a fetish. When wearing them takes on a more aggressive nature in affect for sexual gratification that is when it becomes the fetish. When it comes to Infantilism this is a paraphillia which is a derivative of the fetish. You are always a diaper lover first.
It is important to refer to the usage note of the following url.
Usage notes
It is important to notice that the term can be and is also used to imply "less mainstream sexual practices" but without necessarily negatively implying any dysfunction or 'wrongness'.