I always have to dig to find good recommendations for where to buy what. Honestly, it's one gap I think we have here on Zity sometimes is an editable wiki-like place to post information where we can always have, for example, one page to go to where we can see all the places people have successfully purchased items before, what items, issues, etc. Being publicly editable would make it easy for ambitious people to sort/organize the info by specialty, or by country, or whatever.
Just a thought.
Regardless of that idea, I'm hoping to be stocking up for some items in the near future in order to undertake some in-person exams so might as well have an up-to-date to post this kind of data. (Mods: If i'm being an idiot and there's a good place here besides "searching", which only goes so far if you're looking for up-to-date info, please let me know!!!)
Just found... Surgical Mart. And they seem to have a sale taking place now: https://surgicalmart.com/product-category/surgical-instruments/gynecology/
Anyone have any experience with this supplier?
They seem to know at least part of their audience as well. Under the description for a Miller Surgical Gynecological Speculum, it says:
MILLER SPECULUM USAGE: Miller Vaginal Speculum used to observe inside the vagina and/or perform procedures when necessary. This item is used normal vaginally but can also be used to stretch the anus for maximum pleasure.