OK, so I guess this is the time to tell you guys a little bit more about myself, so you can get a better understanding of why I joined this forum and "how it all began" 😃, even though I didn't use the appropriate section to introduce myself.
I was born with complete tetraspasticity (in both my hands and feet), which basically prevents me from moving them in a coordinated way and leads to regular muscle spasms due to a lack of oxygen during birth. As a result, I have to rely on 24/7 personal assistance, so it's generally a "where you go, I go" situation. I also get regular muscle spasms related to the damaged brain cells caused by birth.
Don't get me wrong here:
I'm definitely not the kind of guy who is ashamed or frustrated about this, but just try to imagine you would like to shave yourself or even go to the toilet. Well, if that happened to me, which it often does, I'd need help to do so.
Understanding this, you can probably guess my next thoughts when it comes to this forum. Having a sex life with this disability means watching movies (even if you surely know that they are staged), because for anything else you'd still need an assistant.
Further, as already mentioned, I have to get physical therapy four times a week so that I'm able to move my extremities even a little bit. Vojta therapy is extremely important as it loosens up those spasms for a short while when performed the right way (see my description above), which could also lead to sexual arousal (at least it does in my case), because you're pressing on different parts of your body. This is why, in my opinion, it should be performed naked, so you can see and use all reference points and movements. There are a few therapists who do it that way (on adults as well), but they are in the minority.
But this also means that you have to be closely monitored and examined by nurses, doctors, and med students so that it doesn't get worse. They (mostly students) need to learn how to deal with these kinds of medical conditions.
Having had four surgeries some years ago (to prevent the spasms from getting even stronger) and regular nude head-to-toe assessments that I need to attend upon request by my social security agency (understandably) got me into the world of "med fet." The pre-op exams, as well as shaving and enemas, would sometimes be done by students or younger nurses. The same goes for the head-to-toe assessments.
Again, I'm not into BDSM or the dominant hard stuff. These situations just got me thinking about the rational thoughts of "What would it feel like if you were the doctor or the nurse, and could tell them what needed to be done?" But as mentioned before, personal meetings are nearly impossible to pull off, so I thought about the aspect of chat/video roleplaying, some ideas I've carried around for years now. However, even this idea is kind of difficult to realize if you need a 24/7 bodyguard. I've never done something like this or wouldn't even know how to pull this off, so any ideas would be truly and seriously appreciated 😃