Peeing with or on your lover either clothed or in the nude, in actuality or imagination is common - almost vinilla. The level of eroticism, the wet flow drizzling down the legs, the smell of your own urine combining with your lover, the feel of the hot stream is intoxicating. That said, add the childlike thrill of peeing the bed.
For many, the pervasive and embarrassing smell of urine in the bedroom along with the preperation and washing of bedding prove to be too time consuming. Getting found out is a blow to your reputation(s). But this doesn't curb bed wettings popularity. Like enemas, the preparation is unique to the participants. Caring for and hiding the bag, tubes and tips, the fecal smell that lingers long after clean-up is just a delicious part of the play.
Many couples, and soloists who dream of a partner, have made their convulated way to love-making, then drenching each other lovingly with their piss. Then going to sleep or spooning together in great warmth. Each person has their own story, their distinct way of protecting the bed. Is the sheet washed or air dried and the stains elevated to art? Flannel bedding and stuffed animals or silk pajamas and beautiful hair-dos defiled in passon. Again, like enemas, every person has their technique, their own way of doing things. Many folks even enjoy pushing a load into their panties during the fun.
Although I've not read posts about pissing the bed/loveseat in zity, I would like to see if my fellow free-thinkers enjoy this activity even though it occupies a small room at the top of a cluttered and narrow flight of stairs leading to nowhere.