In 2015, My last prep for colonoscopy went like this…
3-5 PM — Drink a 12 ounce glass of the nasty “stuff” every 15 minutes.
5 PM — Had a mild urge. Assumed position on toilet for a slow, gentle, and VERY SOLID BM. Actually, it felt quite pleasurable!
5:30 — Now, I was REALLY feeling “The Rumble” internally. Assumed “the position” for a loose BM, but not really quite diarrhea…YET.
6 PM — NOW….I really had the urge and was now in FULL “diarrhea/clean-out” mode. Time to Fasten the Seat Belt!!!
6-8 PM. Just stayed seated on my comfortable “adult sized” toilet seat with some magazines to read as the gushing release was nearly constant, or so it seemed!.
9 PM — Things were pretty much settled down by now.
10:30 — Has a short squirt of absolutely clear liquid.
11:30 — Ditto
Midnight to 6 AM — Slept well.
6 AM — Woke up. Had a short squirt in toilet, got dressed and headed off to the Butt Doctor for the procedure at 8:30 AM. All went well. Got an IV put in. I was soon injected with some knockout juice which instantly put me out as I watched it being pushed in. Everything was actually very pleasant. Woke up easily. That was in 2015. I have another colonoscopy scheduled in June 2025…if I am still around. I’ll be 77.