During my early childhood and teenhood, I had several pelvic procedures under anesthesia during which the doctor used instruments inserted through my urethra and anus after some type of colonic enema as a preparation. I got some sedating stuff allready at home before being taken there, and even more before the procedures. I was therefore in a mental state where I did not think or care much about what happened, andI was mostly sleeping during the procedures,
Afterwards I lay in some kind of intensive care unit with tubes going into my urethra and anus, connected to some machines taking care of me, but without me being really ill.
One of these ordeals actually happened at school in an area especially set up to do such procedures. This school had much more place that what was needed for the schooling itself, and services of several kind hospited in the school building.
I did not think much about what happened right after the procedures, as if I still was drugged not to think or remember. But glimpses of the procedures still got layed down in my memory.
But later on I often masturbated while thinking about details in the procedures and details from lying in intensive care, even from early childhood.
This habbit was especially intensive when I was around 5 years old, around 12-14 yerars old, and later on when I was around 19.
Why this was so intensive at the age of 19,I am not sure about, because the last ordeal of the kind I can remember was from the age of 14. But possibly I had such an ordeal at a hospital at age 18, and it has slipped out of my explicit memory.