There seems to be a part of the brain that looks for stasis? It seems to me that the brain wants to reach conclusions about stuff and i've wondered if it's because one perceives that as security? But when i think about it, the very essence of life (as i see it) is motion, movement, change. The only real cessation of motion is 'death,' and even that is questionably just another movement, change. Though some things in nature seem to move fast, others move so slowly that their movement cannot be easily perceived.
So, sex and sexuality? Some cultures institute monogamy and there are all sorts of prohibitions about what and how sex should be... some believe it's a "sin" or "kinky" to have sex in any position but "missionary" (aptly named?).
i subscribe to the spectrum theory of human sexuality, often described as linear, i see it as multidimensional as well. But even if we describe sexuality in linear terms, we know that there are infinite number of points on a line between A and B. Yet, still, there is this human thing, force, disposition, _______________?, that wants to define, box, label.
It seems we need labels, or at least we use them prominently to communicate. But we often seem to do this thing where the label uses us instead of us using it as a means of describing, communicating, connecting.
i think the inclination to label, consciously or unconsciously, is what defeats a lot of ongoing relationships. The 'drive?' for stasis (death wish? lol) wants to "know" a person, but that knowing often means putting them in a box where they remain the same, we seem to associate static with dependable.
But is our sense of security both an illusion and delusional? If reality is life is motion, movement, change, isn't the forced illusion of stasis a denial of reality? When we relate to our "knowledge" or 'label' of another person, don't we stop seeing, hearing and relating to what/who is actually there? To me, "living" requires constant looking and listening vs total reliance on "knowledge." i think active listening and looking keeps our knowledge current.
lol, sorry about this post, i got pretty ethereal here.