Religious extremist communities that aim at controlling all aspects of the life of kids are big in the Scandinavian countries. In addition these countries have abusive child protective systems that act in a way far more extreme than what you see in this video.
The general opinion among Scandinavians not belonging to such religious groups is that it is bad. But the scandinavian population has been generally brainwashed to think that governmental agencies are in full righ to do such as we see here, and even far beyond too.
But these agencies often use anesthesia to shield the full extent of what they do to kids,
Even though these agencies get an undeserved support for what they do, they know that the full extent of their actions will not get supported, so that simply do it under anesthesia.
Even though these agencies have got huge budgets, their ability have a limit at some point. The way they solve this, is by selecting a certain persentage of kids as objects for their most extensve controle.
They hold regular meetings where school officials and police take part to select the kids, boys and girls, that they find most interesting to have as controlled objects.
An yes, it seems to me that these agencies are heavily parasitized by the mentioned religious groupings.
Those who are selected are typically kids that are not politically correct in some way or another, but without being mentally handicapped, in trouble, violent or heavy drug abusers.
Those being really in trouble or behave dangerously are usually ignored until they at some pont are imprizoned.