@AnthonyRT ,
Thanks for weighing in on this discussion.
My reaction to the MT taking my temperature rectally was one of surprise. Her remarks also got my attention.
I tend to agree with you in that a number of years ago, the rectal temperature practice was more common for a number of reasons. The necessity for medical conditions/ reasons, medical venue’s protocols, and in my case, more times than not, when I asked for a RT, it was done, often with the admonition of it being the best way. There were times where it was not taken. Also rectal thermometers mostly glass were still very much used until the concerns about mercury came about. Then the electronic thermometers came into use, and were also used orally and rectally. Experienced my fair share of them rectally.
With Covid, the use of scanner thermometers was as we know, prevalent, though accurate measurements were not always being obtained. The ear thermometer readings are/ were up for debate. You cite your situation. A near 4 degree difference doesn’t speak well of the ear thermometer (could it have been faulty/ low battery?)
As for @Shygirl17 I can see why with a “normal” oral temperature they would not do a rectal read. As I said, above, medical necessity might have required a rectal and that may have been based on as they say, how she “presented” or as in the case of suspected ailments such as appendicitis, RTs are sometimes preferred.
Now back to my MT. Won’t see her until late July but when I do, I will re-visit the RT issue- with her or she may raise it, asking if she wishes to or can repeat it. Or I can approach it and see what her experiences were /are and how she feels about it being done on her. And I will if she is agreeable, do a rectal on her. She might be agreeable, but if she declines and she might say she doesn’t need it as she’s well, then I will drop it, though it might be that as you said, some 30-40 years ago, yes it was as she said, common; and unless her related experiences are different and it is something she still does or has had done, recently in say the last few years then perhaps I will be able to take a rectal temperature on her.
Will let you know. And again thanks for weighing in.