The first enema in childhood, like all children, was just a light bulb (pear, light bulb). I even remember her. She stood on the table, orange and large, as it seemed to me then. With a thick white plastic tip pointing up. I think I suspected that something unusual was about to happen, but I didn't know exactly what it was.I guess my suspicions were heightened when they laid me on my stomach on the table. Cheerfully, raising its beak, the pear stood to my right. Suddenly, to my complete embarrassment and shame, the nurse pulled off my pants and panties.Frightened, looking around, I looked at the smiling aunt and the nurse. The latter took this same pear and at the same time I felt how they took my cheek wide and inserted it into my baby ass with this thickest white tip. The pear began to grunt like a pig right in the stomach and pope. I whimpered, did not cry, but whimpered, echoing every grunt of the pear. I was reassured, like they even stroked the pope. From time to time, the nurse took breaks, short ones when the pear just silently stuck into my ass and several long ones when she stood on the right with her beak up. When the nurse took it, I was already expecting another penetration.
Everything ended no less shamefully than the treatment itself, sitting on the potty. My aunt took me to this treatment more than once. I always looked at this pear with excitement, doomedly approaching the table. She certainly was not the same, but always orange with a white tip.I have seen these pears in action with other kids. Against the background of a child's ass, they seemed large. A little older, but still a child, I tried to recreate this by lying on the bed with my feet to the mirror and inserting the exact same pear.
It's hard to say what I wanted to repeat with this. The process of infusing water and oxygen into my intestines did not appeal to me. Perhaps it seemed to me that I was lying like a pear, not all of my intimate places are open to those who can see me. And it was a large number of people, besides the nurses and my aunt. Even the other kids saw it.
But alas, for my then child it was a great embarrassment that lying like this, on my stomach with legs stretched out to the sides, all those who see perfectly saw both my genitals and the pink ring of the anus.