Yes. I received a gift set of books for my 12th birthday with all of the classic titles (Huck Finn, Tom Sawyer, Moby Dick)... and the 10th book was a book called Infant and Child Care. The book recommended taking rectal temperatures for children of all ages, including teenagers. This was in 1986. You're asking the opposite question than the book asked. The book made it a point to ask why you WOULDN'T use the most accurate method available?
I remember reading this with great nervous fascination, as it described the procedure for taking a rectal temperature. It told parents to place children over their lap, then to insert and hold the thermometer in place "like a cigarette" between their index and middle fingers, while cupping their hand over the child's bottom. It offered the procedure for an oral temperature as a concession to parents who were too worried about non-issues like temporary embarrassment. The underarm method was listed as a method no responsible parent should ever use due to it's gross inaccuracy.
Consider that it was safer for children to have a glass thermometer filled with mercury safely planted in their tight rectum held in place by a parent's hand than in a mouth that could cough, sneeze, talk or laugh and eject it causing it to break and create a toxic health hazard. (I had an evil aunt who once tried to make me laugh during an oral temp so she could have an excuse to take my rectal temp. (As if adults needed an excuse to do whatever))
My clinic stuck to the policy of rectal temps to age 12, also. My mother had started using oral around 6 or so, and the school also used oral on smaller children. I remember the first time I went to the nurse's office in 2nd grade and got my temp taken orally. I was shocked, because doctors always took it rectally my whole life. I made it a point of asking what the other thermometers were for...after all if they took oral temps on 2nd graders why have rectal thermometers at all? The nurse told me it was for little kids in kindergarten.
Most hospitals took rectal temps on any patient in the pediatric ward including teenagers. I was only hospitalized once at 6, and never saw anyone get an oral temp taken. In fact, the cart they pushed around only had red thermometers in a large jar, along with lube packets and tissues. Anyone who doubts this is true can go back and watch the Diffrent Strokes episode where Sam has to go the hospital and "Mr. D" has to go at the same time and goes to the pediatric ward with Sam to make him less scared. The nurse tells him it's time for a temp and when he opens his mouth, the nurse says "that's not how we take temperatures in the pediatric ward". This is accurate for hospitals of that time period.