I can only speak for myself, my siblings, several girlfriends, and wife in regards to becoming dependent on enemas.
As kids, my siblings and I got enemas when needed for constipation. The average during the school year was two or three times a month. When mom gave one of us an enema, she also gave the other two an enema as well. So, it did matter who got constipated, we all got a couple of enemas together. During the summertime enemas at home went down to an average of once a month. However, during our six week visit with our grandmother during summer vacation, the number of enemas we got in private or together increased too a couple of times a week. There were a few summers when we got enemas every day or every other day, for two or three weeks straight, never having an issue going to the bathroom normally within twenty four too thirty six hours.
After our RN grandmother taught us personal hygiene as preteens and enemas were our responsibility. Our enema usage remained on par with moms enemas until my sister and I started swapping enemas once school started in the fall. In the beginning, it was still on par with moms enemas, but slowly increased too two or three times a week where it remained for a number of years. On top of that, a year or so into that activity, my girlfriend and I started swapping enemas during her period every month. She had issues with period cramps, so the number of enemas we did together depended on how bad her cramps were. Some months, it was only a couple of times, and other months it was every day for a week or more. Again, we never had issues going normally within twenty four too thirty six hours.
After I got married, my wife and I used enemas for both health and pleasure for a number of years before we had children. We did enemas on average of three times a week sometimes more, depending on the situation. We didn’t slowdown until we decided to start a family. Then it dropped to once a week or less. In all that time, nobody I was ever associated with, had issues becoming dependent on enemas. Just speaking about my experiences.