Have you experienced or heard of situations where one parent wants a boy circumcised and the other not? Why such a situation? How was it solved?
This is essentially my own situation.
My father was American, my mother Belgian. They met after Liberation during WWII and got married. My father, being American and moreover from the deep conservative South (Alabama) was very pro-circumcision believing, or at least threatening/lecturing me later, that uncircumcised penises invariably suffer from recurring, incurable infections and often enough end up being amputated. Did I want to risk that fate?
My mother thought it balderdash and was moreover influenced by her wartime experiences during the Occupation with Jewish friends/business partners of her family being deported and killed. That made circumcision a potential mark of death in her eyes and that of many other Europeans.
I was born in Belgium while my father was away in Korea doing navy charters for the armed forces. So, the Belgian hospital did not do any routine circumcising. As later told to me, when my father finally came back from the Far East after 2 years, he was furious/mad/sad/disappointed (depending on the story told), but my mother remained adamant and preserved me from the procedure, even when we moved to the US where I went to school. I am pretty certain that she faced pressure from school and doctors to have me 'normalized'. However I do not remember anything of this. Even during nude swimming at the YMCA I do not recall anything being said.
On the other hand, my younger brother was born in the US and cut, against my mother's express wishes. This while my father was away at sea. My mother was furious (no lesser emotion will do as description) even so in their later years when in their 80s and 90s. The circumcision thing was brought up again and again when they were arguing, my mother blaming my father for my younger brother's circ and my father blaming my mother for not getting me circed. This by the way when I was visiting or helping them out in their old age and even once during a very unpleasant Christmas dinner with all the family present. With my wife chiming in how all was well enough with me and giggling like a teenager. I wanted to drop through the floor.
My father never asked why my prick hadn't been amputated yet, despite all his dire warnings in my younger days.
Nor was the situation and difference of opinion between my parents ever solved. I suppose you could say they both had their win but neither was gracious about their one loss either. They were still having this argument (one amongst many granted) a few weeks before my mother died. Not really a wonderful memory.