These are three quite different questions, but all relating to the traditional flat square cloth nappy. It seemed neater to put them all into the one post. Please note that tips about other kinds of nappies/diapers would not be useful here. I'm just seeking information about how… or if people manage with the most basic cloth nappy.
Number 1:
In all the old books I've found talking about nappies, they talk of Turkish towelling rather than terry cloth. Does anybody know if terry cloth and Turkish towelling are the same thing?
Incidentally they talk of using napkins of muslin to line the towelling ones. Does anyone remember that?
Number 2:
I've seen several people say that they find squares difficult to wear during the day, as they have to use many layers for absorbency, and that these are difficult to pin in place. Do any of you find ways around this, or not find it a problem? That is, does anyone choose to wear terry squares when out and about in the daytime with little to no problem?
Number 3:
If anyone routinely puts terry squares on a partner, (or did once) what do you find the best position and method of folding? [Note by position I mean do you have your partner on their back or stomach or… where? I read that for babies the usual way was to lay them on their tummy on the nappy, then draw it up between the legs and pin it in the back. Rather thought that sounded more problematic for an adult.
Thanks in advance to any who can answer any of this.