Hi #1 poster…!!!!,
As the Late Frank Gallop would say in his Throaty, Baritone Voice,"REALLY!!!!"
GYST!!!.. or your next surgeon will be the one who opens up your upper leg/thigh to find that main artery to slice open and plug in the nozzle to pipe in the formaldehyde to embalm you……. if you like that sort of thing!!!!!
an “ENEMA” you will never forget?? “HAHAHHAHHAHHAAH!!!!”I mean, really!! From that old Pop-Rock/Country group, The “EAGLES!!”… “Take it to the Limit one more time!!” …
Dude…. 2 Qt's is generally enough……… besides yer' belly button, do you want yer' eye balls to pop out too???????
Dude II… just settle down , pour *3 fingers of Jack over 5 cubes in an “old fashion” glass and Chill……..
You will live longer!!!
(*) 3 fingers of Jack over 5 cubes in an “Old Fashion” glass was Frank “Ol' Blue Eyes!!” Sinatra's potion when in the Studio doing a recording session!!!!
I like that myself …just for drill……. Unless I can get my hands on some “Mount Gay RUM!!!!!!!!” (complements for the info from “FAITH!!!!!!!!!!!!”)
“03:00” .. Ohthreehundred…here…. time for a “Mid Air Refuel”…. whiskey glass gettin' low…
‘Back to you Character’s shortly……