Interesting idea and I'll look forward to reading whatever you write! Happy to assist and provide some details around my first rectal exam.
how old were you? 15
what kind of doctor were you at? Gynecologist, my mother's male gyno to be exact.
were you surprised it was included? I was very surprised, more like shocked. I had no idea the doctor would go there or do that, mom hadn't mentioned it. I didn't even realize at the time that doctors did that kind of exam.
how did it make you feel? Really uncomfortable, weird, gross, a bit disgusted by it.
what position were you in? Lithotomy position, in the stirrups, bottom scooted down with cheeks over the table's edge and knees dropped out to the side.
did you receive it through random chance, or was it because of an issue you were having? (Did you tell the doctor you were having digestive issues… or did you just find out this was a special thing the doctor did) I guess more of random chance, I didn't have or mention any digestive issues. The exam was part of my first complete well woman exam.
was it your first rectal exam? Yes!
and really anything else you want to tell us about that big day. I first received a recto-vaginal exam, followed by the single finger rectal exam.
Did you get the exam again in subsequent exams. Yes, the very next year during my second gyn exam with him. I have received a recto-vaginal exam at most of my gynecological exams, often followed by a rectal exam. I've also received just a rectal exam on a couple occasions at the end of a pelvic exam.