I think that a lot depends on the culture, where your family grew up . At 19, or within that age range, you would likely be removed from generations of people who were used to getting their temperature taken rectally, or having an enema. How far these beleifs have been handed down over the years, is beyond me. Obviously, people my age, (60's+), would remember them well. The new technology, and medical community has not encouraged those former methods to be used. It might be fair to say that in America, it's actually frowned upon, and in some cases, seen as abuse. My feeling is that it worked well, and still gets the job done, if anyone prefers it. During the 90's, glass rectal thermometers disappeared from the shelves in the U.S. I beleive that it was a political move, because glass oral thermometers remained plentiful. Like anything else in life, there are fetishists who enjoy rectal temps. and enemas. Ironically, there are “groups” that categorize them as perverts, and sickos. Meanwhile, those same groups are fine with releasing violent criminals, into the streets, and charging concerned parents as domestic terrorists, when they speak up. But, my entire point, is that nobody should be discouraged from a perfectly harmless, and useful procedure, if it serves their needs.