Hi everybody. I'm sorry I've been here on-site so rarely of late.
It's early Sunday morning, and it's August already. Where is the summer going? I'm alone in the house today while hubby is off on a trip. The kitties woke me at four thirty! After some kitty-scritching and purring I fed them and went about my usual first thing in the morning routine. Just before six o'clock I made the decision that I would blow off church today and instead play with my rubber toys. By seven I had thoroughly cleaned out my colon, taken a quick shower, dried my hair, put it up in a pony tail, put on a comfy old slip and snarfed some breakfast. Time to play.
At seven sharp I took a “double,” two 2-quart bags one after the other, a full gallon of tapwater with just a hint of lite-salt in it. With my colon already empty it wasn't hard to get water up past my ileo-cecal valve into my small intestine, and flush that out too. The small intestine contents have that distinctive “chyme” aroma, and a lit candle in the bathroom helps keep the odor tolerable.
At eight I did it again, this time with cold tapwater, although at this time of year the water from our well isn't very cold, probably about eightyish degrees F. I could feel the water way up high, and got a substantial return of chyme.
Nine o'clock was a ditto, two bagsful from my old pale green Walgreens open-top. I was rewarded with virtually clear returns.
Now it's ten, and I'm going to give myself a colder enema by adding a few ice cubes to the water in the bag. Then I'm going to retain it, hopefully for a half-hour. Here I go.