Lately to be quite honourest I've been thinking about a question that's been in my mind for quite some decades in-fact literally almost my entire life.
And the simple and honourest awnser is yes this isn't just something that I decided overnight I've always had a shy bladder even as a child growing up post potty training which for me was in my 6th year of life, due to the fact I had and still do have learning difficulties.
Although this was a early sign that I had what's now known as autism or Asperger's syndrome back then it was just regarded as being no offense retarded a word I really hate as I was called that and stupid my whole life hence I became a victim of physical and mental bullying/torture, which in turn left me with permanent PTSD.
Fortunately that was never from my peareants or relitives however it left its mark and I started mentally another word I dislike to regress to the point where I had to wear diapers/nappies until I turned 10 in 1990.
And then out of the blue without any for-warning I suffered epilepsy in my adolescent years in 1992/1993, when I was 12/13 years of age this I suspect has left me with permanent neurological damage although that's never been officially confirmed.
Then for years I had absolutely no problems until 2010 I turned 30 and suddenly without warning became partially incontinent so had to revert back to wearing diapers/nappies from time to time as a adult, see my other replies for more information.
However this is getting a little off topic so I will go back to the subject of my original question and the awnser is yes,
This is because of the fact that I believe that my body is telling me that I should never have been out for diapers/nappies in the first place and also the fact that my medical condition in my case a severely over-active bladder
And because of the fact that I never really grew up due to verious reasons and so consquentally you could say in some regards I still am a toddler only trapped in the body of a 40+ year old adult male at least psycollogically speaking
This coupled with the other factors means that I can for-see a future when I will be in diapers/nappies 24/7, just like I was as a child all those years ago and everything that entails although that's a subject for another day.
Any-way that's just some of my thoughts on this subject and I think that's enough for one day.