Hi all,
Since last year I found out there is a little boy of 2-2,5 years old inside me that wants to be present more and more. I found a safe place/space for him to come out and most importantly found someone to share this side of me with. This person is not my partner, but my ‘big’ sister in the community, and also a good friend in real life, whitch I’ve met on my first big event in the community in the biginning of 2020.
I was with my big sister a few days ago and realised, as I was switching between being little and being an adult, that I don’t get how it is possible that I feel, look and think lika a 2,5 year old without it being an ‘act’. The feeling inside is geniune. Also sister says my face and expession are different from when I’m big.
Now my question is: Is there anyone in here that recognises these feelings/thoughts or has had the same experiences from being in little space and maybe knows how this works on the psycological side of it all?
I’m asking because it is very overwhelming to me and want to understand how this works (like I want to understand everything in life 😅). it also feels healing to be little, but is so strong that it could maybe be harmfull if I am not careful or responsible enough.
Thanks for reading and hope someone could give me some feedback 🙂.
Spike (both of them in this case ‘little’ and ‘big’)