If you break the world up into bite sized chunks . We have needs and wants. Needs can be physical or emotional just as wants .
I want to a cop when I grow up i want to drive a Ferrari, I want a pulled pork sandwich ,I want to rich . All things are optional ,things you want to happen ,your life could change you may decide you want to a a cowboy ,you want to drive a Porsche, you don't have pulled pork but you have tuna so you make a tuna melt ,and yout not rich, but being middle class ain't bad ..
Needs are also physical or emotional and have to be met .such as wearing diapers because you physically require them or emotional require them
You adapt and function with life as an incontinent by keeping your waste contained in your diaper ,no embarrassing or potential staining or destruction of stuff .yours or someone else.
An emotional needs requires you to adapt your life and behavior in the same way for different reasons. Some people cope with emotions by drug or alcohol ,or some other substance abuse.
If you need diapers to help you cope with anxiety .WEAR THEM! they arent illegal immoral or fatening ,have no addictive or withdrawl effect harmfull to the bodies homeostasis .
There is a component of stigmatization of adults using diapers,many believe it originates in parents and geandparents use of language durig potty training such as “big boys/girls dont wear diapers,are you a big boy/ girl” “ your too old to need diapers” etc… in any event that stigma needs to go ,for everones benefit ,we have entire generations of eldery americans with dementia who truly need diapers but will do anything to get them off ( the rise in the textile industry of mew and different restraint/ anti strip clothing ,they cant remove what they cant get to ) its not a kink or ABDL issue at its heart ,its a nursing actual use/need industry . And theres a modesty / shame component people are raised with with which is a whole other novel that i wont dive into here.
Many people of all ages use and need diapers ,for various valid reasons ,the quicker we tackle these stigmas as invalid unreasonable unproductive the better we are . I am an incontinent ,I wear glasses,I wear splints and braces,I use a wheelchair ,(ask my G/F and she will probably say I need a hearing aide too) they are all accommodations to help me live the best life I can .
The same applies to your use, if diapers fill the need ,fabulous . Many people take anti depressants, anti psychotic's.anti convulsants ,hypertension medications as ways to cope ,nobody ever questions what drugs your using or taking or why ,but one little diaper sighting gets comments . In my case being a hot mess in a wheelchair removes astonishing quickly any diaper stigma and replaces it with good will and "need a hand ,brother?" And I really wish people needing diapers were met with that positivity and can do attitude ,all in all the problem is not with us ,its in peoples hearts and souls ,who tittle and giggle at adults in diapers ( then again when I went to kindergarten “ I was four eyes” ,by the time the 80's dawned glasses were mainstream /accepted,and since then LGBTQ came out of the closet and many other seemingly impossible advancements in normalizing and accepting different peoples needs ,the day for diapers is coming ,and when it does you'll already be there as a early adopter of live your best life ,even ifvthats using a diaper.