When I was a kid, I resisted females seeing me in a week, scared, exposed and vulnerable state. I feared what they might think of me, if they knew all my secrets, but some women wanted girls too know everything that made me a boy, for thier benefit and mine. Girls needed to learn how to take charge of a man, maintain a household, keep everyone clean, safe, secure, and in good health. They needed too grow up quickly, into secure, confident young woman unafraid too impose her will on those irresponsible males who were good at providing income for the family, but not at taking care of those within their household when it came too sustanance and nuerishment, hygiene and appearance, keeping dirt and parasites out of their home if it meant the males had to strip and submit too invasive examination and inspection before entering the home.
A couple girls my age helping the ladies of our family homes took upon themselves this responsibility for the physical wellbeing of myself and my male cousins, accompanying us too the swimhole with us handing over the beach towels too romp around naked in the warm murky water, not taking no for an answer when coming out of the water meant lying on the towel, lifting our ankles, and submitting to their confident female hands exploring our boyparts and rear ends for parasites or rash, bite marks or cuts, as we erected and they smiled knowingly. Keeping us safe and enjoying the work. We secretly enjoyed it too.
Did you have lady protectors like this growing up?