The following letter or message I just wrote and sent to my beloved Miss M, unfortunately living some 450 km away from me. Due to Corona virus, we cannot meet physically, which we generally do more or less once a month when I travel to see her.
Immediately after mailing my text (written in Swedish) I translated it to English, which is what you can read here below. Pse have tolerance with flaws in my English…
My beloved princess!
I miss you so much, and extra much now, when I have dug deeper in the new community I have joined and told you about. Yes, I know you do not share my deep interest in enemas, but I am so happy I can share with you my experiences and findings on Zity.Biz.
The difference with this site, compared to most other videoporn sites, is that here in the forum most stories are about enjoying, sharing, lovemaking and caring. Stories are about couples helping, pleasing and playing, openly and without shame. I love it! The pornsites mostly treat enemas as something wicked, men punishing girls with enemas, rarely exiting to watch, just pain without lust or pleasure. Yes, some stories in ZityBiz are about BDSM, but here enemas used for pain is also used for pleasure. Love and understanding on both parts.
I long so much to meet with you again, even then we both know you will not take part in the enema games I now read about and will like to take practical part in. Maybe can I read out loud some of the most appealing stories for you, maybe can some well written enema stories affect you too…?
But don’t forget, I absolute love that you listen to my kinky likings and that you also help me with administrating my enemas, to absolutely full pleasure when you make me cum during the play…
Damn coronas, I love you, bare with me please, love me, help me, and I will do anything for you!
Your Love E