My best enemas are also among the least memorable!
The ones that get me to a clear return in 3 rounds.
If they are full cleanses and I took the oral bisacodyl before I started, and I got the "bisacodyl kick in" between the second and third enema.
I didn't get any significant nausea between rounds.
I didn't need a 4-qt enema
I didn't need magnesium citrate.
No problems with the bag, hose valve or nozzle, all performed as expected.
No significant pain.
15 minute retention was maybe uncomfortable, requiring some clenching and deep breathing, but no leakage or real "almosts"
Expulsions come at a steady pace with little to no nausea, and the whole expulsion takes 20-25 minutes
I relish those kind of enemas, and when they occur I'm good.