I can't go to babyish as I was raised in cloth and rubber pants before disposables existed ,so an an IC guy i still wear cloth most of the time at home with rubber bloomers .
For local going out I wear ATN, I can usually wear one for at least 2 hours ( I stay on my bowel medication for local use so it will either be too wet or also soiled within that time.
For longer travel I discontinue my medication until I reach my destination then restart it and will fill my diaper within 2 hours . NS Supremes or Megamax with double boosters are very effective ,keeps my aide from having to remove me from my wheelchair and re diaper me on the road .
I just bought a few cases of colored to make my G/F crazy black, white,blue,green,purple, pink to me thats an exotic collection because i normaly wear white diapers and brighter more colorfull plastic/rubber/vinyl/PUL pants ,trousers and onesies "to dress up" .the only people who see my diaper are my G/F or aide , my G/F now sees and knows more about me than we ever talked about because I hired her daughter as an Aide over the summer ,and there's no secrets between mom and daughter ,so my G/F now knows all my meds and catheters and diaper changes ,frequency volume and consistency etc ,not stuff that comes up in normal polite conversation ( 'Mom he shits just like Brad ,Only alot more in larger diapers" Brad is my aides toddler son and G/F grandson .