The soapiest . . . mmmm . . that would be from my Aunt when I was quite young
New Year's Fireworks :
We (the family), were staying at my aunt's home over the X'mas school holidays & it was a weekend early evening as aunty, the ole dear, was often on a rotational shift roster during the week.
My mother was busy in the kitchen at the time preparing dinner for Seven and I can only assume felt hurried doin several tasks, so she turned partly to one side and as quitely as she could muster up asked her sister would she mind taking care of you know what . . . “you know what” in this instance meant Enema . . . my young ears pricked up at this because I overheard what was said . . . that caught me by surprise !! . . my bedroom (really my older cousins) where I was sitting on my bed reading a comic was in direct line with both the central family room and the kitchen area that sat further back behind it . . . so the sound of their voices carried clean across.
My aunt, to explain, worked part time (moonlighted) at the local old folks home as both a domestic helper and an auxillary nursing assistant or NA as it was known then . . . and so, being familiar with Enemas & tending to the poor elderly buggers with her weilding a full soapy douche can . .lol . . I would soon be able to sympathize with them with Aunty as staff
I digress . . anyway I'd been advised that I would soon be getting a “Jolly good Enema” . . . in her exact words & to fetch a thick towel from the linen press & go to my room while she prepared the ‘Jolly’ Enema. Roughly five or so minutes elapsed . . . & to my surprise . . .it was . . . Aunty was to arrive back with spare towel over her shoulder, one holding a white enamelware Douche can almost identical to my mother's & it was near full to the brim it's contents sort've a dirty weak greyish white that you couldn't see through the solution, nor was the nozzle visible as it was parked deep down inside the solution.
Up until then I'd never seen an Enema so dirty white in colour before . . which I had noticed . . however Aunty C was running the show & as she had been fairly busy prior to this event seemed somewhat oblivious as to its untested strength, as I was about to find out
Setting it down & to one side the now fully prepared an readied Enema apparatus Aunty C motioned to me to take down my pyjama pants while she produced a small jar of vaseline, while at the same time folding the towel in rediness & placing it at a slight angle across the top of the partially exposed fresh bed sheeting . . . it seemed to me in that moment like i was frozen to the spot as Aunty again repeated herself, my mind consumed about the forthcoming slightly unnerving Enema.
It was about then I realised the time was ticking away yet it was barely a minute or so when Aunt produced a Vaseline coated natural India rubber finger cot with a small lumpy dollop on the top, as I rolled to my side & faced the cacky green wall, the feeling of her warm hand on my upper bum cheek prising it apart started to stimulate me, just as her outstretched finger probed rubbing a tiny circle at the entrance, then in . . . in & upwards . . . with a turning motion in two or three full rotations not unlike screwing it in & out . . . one that produced a good stiffy from . . making it flex jerking about a couple of times involuntarily as I felt a drip seep out . . . landing on my leg & dribbling down
I glanced over my shoulder as Aunty briskly wiped off her rubber cossetted finger with some roughly folded toilet paper, slipping it off in a rolling fashion and then depositing it on the bedside cabinet rather hurriedly . . . Aunty C fossicked about reaching into a pocket of her apron procuring a small glass lotion thermometer to check water temperature dunking it in the can, l could tell right then the hot soapy Enema was going to make me go . . . a lot ! . . . I could smell it . . .The smell of a soap enriched Enema in progress permeated the air
“Just turn a bit more & face the wall for me” said Aunty as she shifted & nudged my upper leg up with the back of her wrist exposing my bumhole to her. Then the rustling sound as she took the soapy slickened nozzle from the container with an audible clink, clink, clink & twisted the dullish black tap open, a small squirt of cool solution sprayed out onto my now open bum flesh . . . I stiffened up a bit as my Aunt calmy said “this won't take too long & you'll be good as gold “ and as she spoke i felt that first fast squirt of water . . . fluid of semi warm soapy water gush forth straight into my rectal chamber . . . then within mere seconds turning very very warm . . . my little stiff dick responded an had begun to emit clear sticky fluid as the Enemas flow steadied jetting . . . squirting unabated . . . I found myself mentally marking off time . . . engrossed in the feeling of that super warm surging water filling my thoughts . . . I could feel the strong warm ”glow" hitting a sweet spot
Simultaneously I had another problem on my hands too, because I hadn't gone to the dunny outside to relieve myself beforehand & the hot soapy Enema was making its presence felt . . . I had a dripping jerking stiffy . . . a need to take a leak . . . & the Enema relentlessly spurting into my bowels was causing gurgling growly sounds in my tummy . . . not counting the onset peristaltic action that was already taking place as minutes ticked on by
Finally Aunty C standing had lifted that Douche can up higher tilting forward as that tiny feint whisp of air in hose . . . . shsssst . . signalled the entire Enema had been taken in full . . . I hesitantly took another glance over my shoulder to see what she'd used on me . . . it was a long black, shiny wet bakelite nozzle, longer & thicker than ours at home, with an olive shaped tip, just as a couple of droplets sputtered out falling loose . . . I don't know how but I knew it was different than ours while she was giving me the Enema. . .a gut feeling one might say !
Aunty turned about to leave, stopping momentarily and placing the now Emptied Douche Can on top of an old English white 5 deep drawer Queen Anne drawers with a hollow thud, curling its clay red hose around it loosely, poking the glazed nozzle inside making a ting ting ting sound. My emerging troubles were not over . . . not yet . . . when in the moment the atmosphere was punctuated by the sound of both my older sister and older cousin were heard stifling laughter and making crude gestures as to my predicament from the loungeroom, not so far away. This was not lost on my Aunty who didn't tolerate people being rude & snapped loudly . . . “If I hear anymore of that from you young lady you'll be next” . . . “so watch your manners”. . . “I'm not joking” . . . addressing my cousin loudly enough that she understood quick smart who's in charge.
At that very same moment I realized that my snarky cousin also was subjected to the vagaries of an Enema, of which I'd not known of, but did wonder then confirmed in an instant quietly pleased at this revelation thinking I'd like to know more . . . but for now I had a belly ache to contend with & wasnt letting up . . .so much so that i had to reach back behind me clasping the towelling quickly . . . pulling at it an placing it up over my bum . . . feeling a little bit concerned while firmly squeezing my buttocks tight together . . . I had to go . . . gawd did I have to go as another wave rolled down & then another right behind it . . . a tidal wave . . . holding on waiting for it to subside.
Time was well and truly up as far as I was concerned . . . . Scurrying to wrap the towel around my waist . . . bolting out at breakneck speed through bedroom door, turn left fast, pulling open the back door . . . out onto the back landing . . .down three worn concrete stairs, almost flying clean off the galv steel handrail straight across 10 or so feet to a half open out - side dunny door . . . I made it . . . whew ! . . . made it with just seconds to spare . . . Spinning around planting my young arse down on that cold most welcoming porcelain pan as the first signs of several tidal waves unleashed . . . my body temp zoomed up sweatiness became apparent as my gut turned over . . . through it a sheen of clear sticky fluid appeared upon my upper thigh . . something that I'd become accustomed to each time an Enema took place & i knew l liked it . . . every time, yet I didn't fully comprehend why this occurred.
There I was sitting upon the throne, peering out the door half ajar feeling decidedly off colour cooling down & beginning to think what it might be like for a girl after hearing what was said to my cousin . . . deep in private contemplation mixed up in all this i wanted another Enema . . . even with a mildly sore backside . . . feeling like I'd been through a wringer . . . I was thinking about the Enema . . . It and now my witch of a cousin
Half an hour later cleaned up & back inside I managed to catch mums attention & told her what happened with the spiralling hot n cold sweats to which she reassured me & asked about the Enema in a calm inquisitive manner.
Around 9 or thereafter sitting up in bed reading that night mum came & sat down on the side of my bed to say goodnight & to check that i was feeling better . . . Then like a bolt out of the blue she suggested that perhaps tomorrow morning or the day after she would be giving me an Enema when the rest of the family left for the day . . . which was odd . . . didn't say why & only later following a plain saline Enema found that it was to counter the excessive soap. Apparently mum had also had a “quiet word” with Aunt C about the “rich” Enema mixture. After all I did end up with an itchy sore arse as a result, which thankfully mum applied some soothing savlon cream
True to her word the next morning with everyone gone I received a very soothing Enema
Midweek soon arrived when turning the bed mattress before making my bed there underneath sat a large white bedpan with what appeared as a bulky sized Higginson syringe neatly wrapped & placed inside it . . . . . what was it ?. . . what exactly had I found ? . . . It was my older cousin's bedroom . . . her secret was out !! . . . But !!! Standing there almost motionless staring down through the open weave wire bed frame at my discovery . . . excitement washed over me . . . what a find, thinking how to unwrap it & not get caught . . . risky as it was . . . with the family still up & about . . .do I chance it . . . the darn thing had a hold on me . . . what was it like ? . . . was it like ours back home . . . I had to know.
Turned out it was A Happy New Year after all.