I got " into" diapers as a coping mechanism for needing them .
I would say #1 is confidence #2 " control #3 comfort
Confidence the diaper will do its job ,I always say i want a diaper on my ass not my mind .
Control being to the best of its ability what happens here stays here .
Comfort you and that diaper are literaly joined at the hip for life ( or one of its sisterd,brothers etc.i don't care about discretion any more ,I am not dressed to minimize or hide ,
You will honestly not know for sure I am diapered ,but people expect me to need or use diapers ,
My new power chair has added an anti thrust harness to my positioning restraint harness ,it's attached to the back comes all the way forward then loops up front to back between my legs and secures at either side at hips ,it keeps your body from sliding forward "thrust",so no real view of diaper area so i am secured at toes ankles knees pelvis torso and seat belt , so if that's not a clue , maybe the woman in scrubs that goes everywhere with me is ,somebody has to do diaper duty .
If I have the 3 "c"'s everything else is negotiable .