How many of you had to use a little persuasion to get a reluctant partner to participate in your enema pleasures?
First – What approach did you use? Health benefits or just for fun?
Second – What did it take to get them to agree? Persistent persuasion, alcohol, trading favors, or what?
Third – What was the result? A long lasting relationship with the pleasures of water, or a fling that was soon over?
For me, the approach I used was “just for fun”. After the Special Preference letters in Penthouse, I decided to give it a try. It took a while. I bought a new bag and put it in the bathroom vanity where she was sure to find it. When she asked me about it I confessed that I enjoyed an enema and had read that some couples enjoy doing it together. Her response was something like, “Gross.” Gentle questioning revealed she has never had an enema. From time to time in the middle of love-making I would whisper in her ear, “I want to give you an enema.” She would reply, “Someday, but not tonight.” Until one night after we had been at a party and both of us were a bit loose with alcohol. When I whispered in her ear she replied, “OK, but you have to go first.” She watched as I prepared a full bag. I told her she should give me half of it, then I would give her the rest. She agreed.
I took my half with no problem and she couldn’t help but notice it had me at full attention. She took only a pint or so and begged me to stop so she would not have an accident. After several attempts over the next few weeks she said she just couldn’t enjoy it because she was afraid of losing control and making a mess. At that point she said she would give me an enema if I wanted one but she was not going to take any. Eventually she just said, “When you want an enema, just do it yourself.” I wished it had turned out differently, but we are not all the same in our attitude about these things.