I have not been to a foreign female prison but i have in the US , in US there are strip sèarches,physical cavity searches done by supervised medical personeel . They also use full body metal detectors that you sit in .
Depending on the gender the rectum and or vagina is commonly referred to as your " prison wallet" .
I have a feeling in societies more focused on "modesty" and woman being covered ,doesn't change things much ,safety and security in institutions is maintained by whatever is neccesary, so if they have ever had a shank or weapon, drugs etc ,hidden in a body cavity modesty would go out the window in favor of security .
In the United States when you are convicted of a crime and sent to prison you lose all your rights (in many states you never get them back , that is one of the problems with our Justice system ,your convicted of a crime and are punished ,but once you pay for that crime in prison and are paroled or max out your sentence ,it's not a fresh start with a clean slate and restoration of rights )
Also take into consideration in many states in our 1st world nation female inmates are either not provided hygiene products or only get a limited quantity ( have a heavy period, oh well) and some states you have to have a job and money to purchase hygiene products on commissary ( jobs in prison have no minimum wage and many can pay as little as 3 cents a day! ) so when you consider the country that is supposed to be the land of the free and the most generous , so badly treats inmates, even having never set foot in a foreign prison i am willing to bet there are some realrough places to be imprisoned .
My experience in prisons is limited ,as I was a volunteer trying to help inmates change themselves and become better people when they are locked up and when there released .