As I get older I wish I had been able to act on my desires more than I did. I have wanted to wear diapers since I was 5 or 6 but didn't start until I was 13.
At that time we didn't have readily available supplies. We had to make due with baby diapers and baby sized plastic pants or really institutional "plastic" pants. They were horrible. Fortunately I was small when my diaper fetish began and I could wear Curity cloth diapers and toddler large Gerber plastic pants. This was in the mid to late 60s.
When I got out of the service in the mid 70s we were starting read magazines like Forum, Rubber Life and Nugget and finding out that there were many people who liked wearing diapers and plastic pants, that we were not alone.
By the early 80s adult disposable diapers were becoming available. I switched then because the clean up and laundry issues were gone. Being a baby of the 50s never made me want to be a cloth diaper user because that is what I wore as a real baby.
My diaper interest is growing as I get older. I find that I would rather be in diapers than not. I don't feel that I spend too much time in diapers. I don't wear 24/7 but I'm close. I have developed some bedwetting issues and now wear every night. I'm seeing an urologist later this month to make sure there isn't anything seriously wrong. I don't think there is, I think I'm just so used to wearing diapers that wetting is natural.
I wear diapers for most of the day but don't always wet them as needed. I'm finding that I feel more comfortable wearing diapers when I drive long distances so I don't have to make frequent stops.
All in all, I love wearing my diapers and plastic pants. I still function as an adult, I just prefer an alternative choice of underwear.