My wife keeps mine sore so that I don't look at other women's nipples. I love it big-time. Got my daily dose yesterday and boy she knows how to make a man tame.
You say that your Wife disciplines your nipples to keep you from looking at other women's nipples? Then you go on to say you “love it big-time”.
If your wife administers discipline that you “love big-time”, how does that discipline discourage you from engaging in the behavior that she intends to discourage?
I would think that, if you love sore nipples, you would intentionally look at other women's nipples in order to receive the “discipline” that you crave?
My wife and I enjoy some playful/erotic discipline in the bedroom. For example, we both love to have our genitals playfully whipped with a leather strap! It makes us both very horny! But, there is a huge difference between playfulness and real discipline/punishment!
My wife and I also both know how to administer discipline/punishment that our partner will definitely NOT love. For example, when unacceptable misbehavior needs to be corrected, a good bare-butt thrashing with a bamboo stick does the trick!
Although my wife and I both believe in our Domestic Discipline lifestyle, we certainly do not look forward to the discipline that we receive when we deserve it. The bamboo stick followed by extended forced male chastity (being locked in the cock cage for 10-45 days) have certainly taught me not to look at other women! And, the bamboo and writing up to 5000 lines have taught her to be responsible with money!