Personally, I have no issue with having my rectal temperature taken in an actual medical setting or in a role play. I say that in light of the fact I recently saw my friend's teenage daughter, a 17 year old girl get her temperature taken rectally by her aunt. My friend is a single mom, came here from India about 20 years ago. Her sister came a year before her and is a nurse.
And you might ask...why'd I see it? Well I stopped by to return a borrowed item. It was as I wasn't even there (in the room) when the girl's aunt turned her over hiked her robe up, lowered her panties, grabbed the thermometer, shook it down. I guess one of the older ones, then parting the teen's cheeks, inserted the instrument and let it rest, well inserted for the three or so minutes. It was no big deal, and the teen while laying there, thermometer jutting out from between her cheeks addressed me telling me she'd be OK in a day or two! I'm a bit surprised it wasn't a screaming match or refusals or her telling me to get out, etc. No, it was as normal as it could be. Girl is sick, girl has temperature taken, end of story.
First, I didn't realize the RT was still a common thing for teens anywhere. Any caregivers out there have any comment on this? Or might this just be something that culturally, from where my friend and her sister emigrated from, it is a standard practice.