What were the most number of enemas ever given to you, not by yourself but by someone else, in one day? For me, it was 9, all within 6 hours (maybe an hour or more longer).
I was 18 at the time and was in the hospital for an unrelated problem (an infected lymph node in the groin originally thought to be cancerous but was not). While in the hospital, I had a bout of gut pain similar to what I experienced growing up (that led to so many enemas as a child). Still determined to find the cause, I mentioned it to the hospitalist who checked my abdomen and upon finding pain decided to order a barium x-ray for the next day (my first barium enema, that I can recall).
Prep started later that night with me being given 5 or 6 large sulfur-yellow pills (laxatives) at bedtime. At around 4am I was awaken by the worse gut pain I had ever experienced and I was in absolute agony, so much so that I had tears streaming down my cheeks. But I also had a strong urge to poo so hobbled to the toilet and emptied out a lot of bright yellow poop. It was an hour later before the pain subsided enough I could try to go back to sleep.
At 6:30am I was awaken by a black nurses aide (female) who told me she had to give me enemas to clean me out for the x-rays. She gave me 6 enemas, one after the other, before she was finally satisfied with the results in the bedpan. The enemas hurt like the dickens and when I asked what she was using in them she simply said "the same thing we use on the babies upstairs - Castile". Nonetheless it was painful and I was glad it was over with.
At 8:30 or 9:00 I was taken down to the x-ray department. By then the pain had subsided such that I was no longer in agony. A short time later I was taken into the x-ray room by a very young male tech (I would say in his 20s) who had me get on the table and then removed my hospital gown. Since I had nothing under neath, I was left on the hard, cold table completely naked. There wasn't even a sheet or pillow (this was back in the mid-70s). He proceeded to take several test shots and then brought out a large clear bag filled with a chalky white liquid with a thick hose and nozzle and proceeded to insert it in my rectum. He then gave me the enema while having me change into different positions and he would keep going back to the "wall" to shoot the x-rays. The pain started increasing. Then he drained the enema back into the bag and then shot air up my butt (and that hurt - a lot!). More x-rays. Finally, I was put back in the wheelchair with hospital gown back on and put back in the hallway to wait for a pick-up to take me back to my room. (Side Note: While this guy was doing the x-rays, I was fighting back an erection the whole time as he was a real turn-on guy...and the pain didn't help either. Now I wish I had not been so shy!)
After being taken back to my room, the gut pain returned with a vengence and I couldn't even eat lunch. The nurse thought it might be the barium in my bowels and ordered two more enemas to clean it out. Afterwards, the pain went away and I ate a sandwich afterwards. I never forgot any details of that hospital stay!!
So the total was NINE: 6 prep enemas, one barium enema and 2 more enemas to clean out the barium, all within 6-7 hours. That remains a record for me to this day.
By the way, the barium enema was normal. Another barium enema 5 years later, plus at least 5 colonoscopies, multiple CAT scans and MRIs with and without contrast since that time, all proved negative - nothing! Not even a polyp! It was after the last colonoscopy several years ago that the doctor, a surgical internist, diagnosed me with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). And that's what I've lived with since childhood. And the only solution I've found to work (actually that started in childhood too) were the enemas, mostly saline solutions (but the soapsuds with Ivory seem to work too). To this day I still can't use any Castile because of the pain increasing but Ivory soap doesn't bother me.
And so, what were the most enemas you've ever received by someone else in one day?