It was for sure the corner in the room ,but it was not as simple as that because back then 50's/60's all my friends
parents were friends with my parents and they all spanked their children,all my cousins were spanked and when we all got together well never failed spankings were given and Yes bare bottom and always corner time Bare Bottom . Even if it was BBQ with friends in Neighborhood and was not actually Family ,yet we all were babysat by each others mothers,we slept at each others houses when parents went "away" for so called Dads convention for 2-3 days.But any time that happened and IF spankings were warranted well it was Bare Bottom and Bare Bottom corner time . It was always embarrassing ,worse if alone ,was not so bad when 2 or more in all corners.
When I think back nearly 85-90 % were all my friends Mothers or my Aunts ,for me it was my Mother always ,however by no means did that make it feel any softer . Nearly everyone of them had a special implement they used, wooden spoon , pong paddle etc.
I do remember though if I or my friends/cousins were acting up at a restaurant or grocery store we never got it at the place or in bathroom .But I sure do remember no matter who you were out with (Parent/Aunt/Uncle or
Neighbor)"Just wait till we get Home are You n for Some Corner Time"
So that for sure was the much Hated Place after Spanking ,their was also the dreaded Enema(s) But that a whole other Thread