I have both administered and reveived some pretty severe domestic discipline. Neither my GF nor I feel a need to cause bruising nor to be bruised. Which is to say, bruising is not the objective.
When discipline is called for, our bare bare bottoms usually end up very red and very sore for up to a day or two. I don't think redness and soreness is what you mean by bruising? If you can sit down after a spanking without feeling it at all, you weren't really punished, but we try to avoid what I would call bruising.
For us, bruising would typically mean a black and blue bottom that would last fot several days. Bruising is never our objective, but there have been several occasions when particularly egregious misbehavior has called for particularly severe punishment. Both my GF and I have ended up with slightly black and blue bottoms when we've received particularly severe swats with a wooden paddle and/or a severe whipping with a leather strap. In these cases it was hard to sit down for a few days, but the bruising itself was considered an unfortunate side affect of a very severe punishment.
My GF and I have also given and received canings. Again, bruising is not the objective, and the cane (or hickory switch) doesn't cause black and blue bruising. But the cane/switch pretty much always causes stripes across a bare bottom. Again, these stripes usually go away within a day, and leave us with a sore bottom for about a day. Occasionally, a severe caning/thrashing will cause welts/weals (stripes that are raised above the surrounding flesh) that last for several days, and I this would also be considered bruising.