I must have been 9 or 10
One day after school I got home before Dad got home from work.I was just snooping around and I went into the small fridge upstairs in his room and found the box of bisacodyl suppositories he had in there.
I read over the whole box. Even though it DID say "children under 12 consult doctor." I frankly couldn't resist! Decided I SHOULD go into the bathroom and use it. Almost ran I was so excited. peeled the wrapper down, then pulled my dress up and my panties down I pushed it in, and used my middle finger to make sure it was as far up as I could get it. When I pulled my finger out it had poop on it. Good thing I was already in the bathroom and could wash it off right there.
I had read the part about side effects well and Dad had given me glycerin suppositories a couple of times before giving up on them So, my mind was focused in. I knew it took at least 15 minutes for a suppository to melt, but unlike an enema, you were better off up moving around. So, I drank some water and went on like nothing had happened.
After just about 15 minutes something DID start to happen.
That something was a distinct, but not overwhelming "Burning" sensation of the rectum combined with an audible "churning" sound in the lower abdomen. for the first 10 minutes or so, I told myself to ignore it and I tried to, but by then the "burning" had stopped but there was that feeling like I had to poop!
Yes. that feeling started to come and go, but after 25 minutes it was there to one degree or another all the time. Strong at times. I nearly lost it climbing the stairs. That was when I decided to lie on my back on my bed. Got 45 minutes in, and it didn't matter, I had to go.
I think it pretty much emptied me out over the next 20 minutes or so, and that was good, because I just got myself put back together when Dad got home. I didn't have to "Go" again for a couple of hours and was able to eat dinner with only very mild nausea, I hid it well and he never knew.