I have a tortuous colon. It was noted as a side finding on a CT for something else. I don't know how tortuous it is, and have little desire to put up with whatever they would need to do to find that out, but I have no reason to doubt that it's there. I've looked up everything I could, and it seems that the only major issue is a generalized tendency to constipation (eye roll. On second thought, I guess it is nice to know there's a bit of a reason for the bowel issues).
I had a colon tube that I got with my bag that I had been using as a rectal tube. On a whim (and as a sort-of new year's resolution) I figured I'd be very careful and try it as a colon tube.
I've tried it several times, dealing with it not wanting to transverse the rectosigmoid some times and often getting hung up in the sigmoid. A couple of times I'm pretty sure I got it over to the bend where the sigmoid becomes the descending colon, but that has been rare. While it hasn't hurt, it hasn't really felt good either and certainly doesn't seem to be worth the work to get it inserted. The filling sensation is a bit different but not markedly so, and the feeling of the tube deep in my bowels is slightly uncomfortable rather than sexy.
Some members have encouraged me to just practice a bit more and insertion will be easier and the whole process will feel amazing, especially if I get a Siliconenozzles colon tube. I'm not so sure it's worth the expense and effort, and a bit worried about increased risk of puncturing the colon, which is something I can happily live my whole life without doing. I'm also thinking that it might always be a bit uncomfortable - something I can put up with if needed, but not something I'd want to seek out.
Any comments by the Zity elite? Are colon tubes best avoided in my case? Would working on my technique open up a heretofore unknown world of pleasure or merely increase my risk of a very unwanted hospital visit?