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Views: 23935 Created: 2007.09.17 Updated: 2007.09.17

Diaper Research

Chapter 1

"What sort of product research?" David asked as he let his eyes follow

the woman's shapely legs across the office. He had to admit that she

fascinated him. Prim and pretty, she had a haughty, cultured atmosphere

about her and she took no guff from anyone. Her leather skirt fit her

like a second skin. He had long since noticed the black seamed hosiery

that seemed to connect the shiny leather and her high black patent

pumps. Another part of his attention was focused on her shapely rear,

looking for some little sign that she wore stockings rather than

pantyhose. He wasn't really listening to her monologue about the firm's

product line or the nature of the `research' that he was being hired for.

"Don't worry about it. You'll come with me to my summer place to assist

me in laying out the new catalogue. It should take three weeks so make

sure that you will have no commitments during that time. My sister's

daughter will be joining us."

"Are we going to work solid for three weeks?" David asked, wondering why

she was so concerned about it.

Her tone hardened. "You'll soon learn not to question me like that.

There will be little, if any contact with the outside world. We must

ensure that our competition learns nothing of our new product line."

Bashfully, David realized that he had been caught staring at her

breasts, "And what would that be?"

"An appropriate range of accessories to our very successful line of

incontinent and nursing home supplies. That's all you need to know about

it for now." She resumed her seat in front of him and David was almost

sure she meant for him to catch a glimpse of stocking tops as she

crossed her legs. Now a gentler smile replaced her scowl, "You won't

need many clothes. The cottage is very well equipped and we'll see to

your every need."

The interview was over. He suddenly realized that she hadn't even asked

him if he wanted the job. She had read his fascination like a book and

correctly assumed that he could not bear to turn down the opportunity to

be with her.

David had to look up what `incontinent' meant but the dictionary's trite

account didn't bother him much. He was more concerned with his deep

attraction to his new employer and the power that seemed to emanate from

her. The brief glimpse of her stockings haunted him and he couldn't put

the memory of her out of his mind.

By the time he reached the gate of the estate that she had so modestly

called `a cottage' he was infatuated with her and blind to the many

clues that foretold his fate.

In another frame of mind he might have noticed the barred windows on the

upper story, the locked gates and the high stone walls, fringed with

barbed wire. He might have questioned these elaborate and inappropriate

measures but instead he announced himself to the intercom box and slowly

drove up the drive. He drank in the vision she presented as she greeted


Her long chestnut hair framed a heart shaped face whose major accent was

the deep red gloss of her lips. The makeup around her eyes made them

dark and mysterious. She wore a simple black dress that had a slit up

the side of the skirt. Perched on her four inch heels she was just a

little taller than him. From the look in her eyes she seemed to more

than glad he had arrived.

David could not have guessed that he was drifting into a carefully laid

trap. Mindful of the spell she was casting, Samantha artfully led him to

her study, giving him more than enough opportunity to study her legs and

the sheer, seamed black stockings she had chosen carefully only minutes

before he had arrived. She was excited by him. She had decided he would

be fun to train; she couldn't wait to see his face when he finally

realised what he had gotten himself into. For certainly, he would not be

getting out of it until she had finished with him.

"There are a few things you should be told before we commence our

experiments", she said while pacing the floor in front of him. Her pumps

tapped out a cadence to her words. She noticed that David had grimaced

at the word `experiments'. "Jennifer will be taking care of you. Call on

her for anything you need. She has my full confidence and you may take

her instructions as if I had given them." There was the sound of a door

opening and he turned around to see a very tall, pretty blonde girl in a

starched white nurse's uniform. "There you are, dear. This is David,

your new charge. I suggest you prepare him and then introduce him to

Susan before dinner." She waited for a brief nod of acknowledgment

before continuing, "And how is my dear niece doing?".

"She is quieter now, Madam. She was not pleased to return but she is

adjusting well to her surroundings."

"Make her first night a memorable one, won't you? Perhaps it would be a

good time for her and David to share some pillow talk." Samantha looked

at him and smiled slowly, enjoying the confusion register on her

victim's face.

David suddenly felt very scared. He decided he didn't like the sound of

things at all. Almost instinctively he bolted for the door, expecting to

brush past the slim nurse and make it to his car before they had time to

react. Instead the nurse almost casually reached out and flipped him

onto his back, the force of the fall winding him. While he lay there

weak and gasping she turned him over and expertly applied a pair of

handcuffs, securing his wrists behind his back. As his senses returned

he looked up to see the two women standing over him. Both wore

expressions of belittling pity. He trembled in fear and suddenly he

needed to pee very badly.

"David, it is far too late for second thoughts. Jennifer will prepare

you for the research you are about to participate in. I suggest you do

what she tells you. She's more than capable of subduing you with force

and she has a nasty sadistic streak that will bring you many tears if

you make her angry. Go with her now and cooperate. Life will be much

easier if you do."

"What are you going to do to me?" David asked in a panic as the nurse

hauled him to his feet.

Samantha had her back turned to him as she contemplated the view of the

garden from her window, "Oh, I think your first sight of Susan will

educate you far more thoroughly than anything I could say. Don't worry,

you'll be spending the night with her and I'm sure she'll share her

extensive experience with you." She nodded to the nurse and David was

roughly guided out of the room.

Stunned, David climbed the stairs with an ever deepening sense of dread.

Something was wrong; horribly wrong. They went past the second floor to

the third. A steel door, wide and institutional looking barred the way

until Jennifer produced a key attached to her pocket by a chain. She

ensured the door was locked again once they had passed through.

"Uh, I need to go to the bathroom," David mumbled as he watched Jennifer

replace her key. She looked up at him, smiled and motioned with her hand

for him to move into the room. Expecting relief, what he saw instead

sent a new chill running through him.

It was a totally different world from the polished wood and antique

furniture of the mansion below them. He was standing in a hospital ward

of sorts. Two beds, whose chrome cages made them seem more like oversize

baby's cribs, were against one wall. The rest of the room was taken up

with various pieces of medical equipment, an obstetrical table here, an

examination table over there. He could not untangle the maze of chrome

and equipment; finally his eyes came to rest on the gentle movements

that came from one of the cribs. Only then did he hear the soft,

whispering moans and whimpers. Jennifer led him towards it until he

recoiled from what he saw.

The bars that formed the sides of the crib were thick and heavy but they

did nothing to block his curiosity. For inside was bound a very pretty

young girl, her arms crossed over her chest by the canvass strait jacket

she wore. Straps ran from her elbows to the sides of the mattress. A

large pacifier type of plug had been inserted in her mouth and was held

in place by a wide leather strap that ran across her cheeks. Her legs

were held wide apart by ankle cuffs secured to a band of strapping that

ran across the foot of the bed. More strapping ran from the base of the

jacket down between her legs, pressing and parting but not concealing

the translucent plastic panties and the thick diaper that lay beneath.

She stared back at him over the circular flange of the gag in her mouth

and for a long moment their eyes met. Then a spasm seemed to take her

and she rolled her eyes to the ceiling, squealing and grunting while her

body shook. When she finally looked at him again there were tears in her

eyes. David was beginning to guess what was about to happen to him.

Jennifer's voice broke the spell.

"Are you empty yet, Susan?" she taunted, "Do you need another enema?

Maybe we should make you retain it a little while longer this time!" Her

voice was calm but the provocative words were met with a flurry of

muffled protests from the bound and helpless form. David's nose caught

the unmistakable scent of a dirty diaper and he almost gagged. He was

trembling as Jennifer pushed him forward toward the doorway at the end

of the room.

The sight of the `bathroom' made him forget briefly his introduction to

the unfortunate Susan. Central to its many features was a piece of metal

pipe, suspended from the ceiling by a thick chain, to which had been

affixed at either end of its three foot length a pair of leather cuffs,

dangling open and ready. The dampness in the air and the little pools of

water on the floor suggested that it had not been too long since Susan

had visited this place to hang in these very cuffs. "Please," he pleaded

as he was pushed into position, "I really do need to pee. Can't I go to

the toilet before you do whatever you're going to do?" To his dismay,

Jennifer just smiled and shook her head.

The nurse was experienced enough to take no chances. She went to a

switch on the wall and lowered the trapeze so that the waiting cuffs

were at the level of David's bound hands. Then she attached one of the

leather cuffs before unlocking the handcuffs. David was too confused to

contemplate anything heroic and let her fasten his other wrist without

protest. Terror and his increasing need to relieve himself now dominated

his thoughts.

Jennifer returned to the switch and David felt his arms being pulled up

over his head until he was resting on the balls of his feet; a position

he did not find comfortable and said so to Jennifer.

"Be quiet or I'll give you something to really complain about." she said

sharply. She brought over a cart on which was laid out an assortment of

surgical instruments. His eyes grew wide at the polished, menacing

steel. She selected a scalpel and held it up before his eyes for a brief

moment, enjoying the fear it caused, then she took hold of the sleeve of

his shirt and began to run the blade up it, parting the fabric like

paper. David opened his mouth to protest but thought the better of it

after the shiny steel was flashed inches from his face. He was shivering

in fear as the blade's dull side caressed his skin while it toured his

body. His clothes fell in shreds at his feet and with them his pride and

much of his will to resist.

Finally nude he felt cold and terrified. Jennifer went to a sink and

began to fill a bowl with soapy water. The sound of running water was

more than his tortured bladder could take and he moaned loudly as a

strong stream spurted out from his stem and splashed on the tiles.

Jennifer turned sharply and watched him for a moment. "Looks like you'll

be good at testing diapers"

"Diapers?!" His head snapped up at the word. After seeing the poor

creature in the other room he should've admitted to himself that he

would soon join her but his mind had blanked out that possibility. There

was no way of evading it now.

"Of course. What do you think we research here?" she said as she brought

the bowel of water over to the cart beside him.

Oh how he wanted to ask her all the questions that swirled about in his

mind. But deep inside he wasn't sure he wanted to know the answers. As

Jennifer began to wash his defenceless body he realized how helpless he

was. If they wanted to diaper him, there would be little he could do to

prevent it.

She left no crevice, no private place untouched and did not dry him,

leaving him to shiver in the cool air. He began to shiver more from fear

than cold after he saw the straight-edged razor in her hand. He had to

close his eyes while the sharp blade and her lathered hand made

alternating sweeps across his flesh. She worked downward from his neck

and each time she used the sponge to wash away the residual lather and

the few hairs that escaped the razor he felt more and more naked. By the

time she got to his groin he was crying for her to stop but she ignored

him. When she told him to part his legs some more or have them secured

that way he cooperated, sensing the futility of resistance.

He clenched his teeth and forced himself to remain still while the cold

steel scraped around his penis and scrotum. Jennifer was shaving away

more than body hair; his very personality seemed to rinse away with it

to gather in the circular drain beneath him where it collected and

congealed. By the time she had finished he hung limp in his bonds,

bruised by her smile of satisfaction.

She released him, granting relief to the cramps in his shoulders. He

numbly padded after her into the larger room. She made him wait while

she prepared the obstetrical table for him.

A muffled cry from the occupied crib made him turn in time to see the

pitiful Susan buck against her bonds in yet another convulsion. When he

looked up to see the pile of cloth diapers that Jennifer was preparing

something inside him broke past his self-pity and humiliation. Fed by

the adrenalin of fear he pounced on the unsuspecting nurse and succeeded

in getting one arm around her neck while the other groped frantically

for the key to freedom.

He had expected her to fight back and was surprised when she went limp,

waiting for his attention to waver. He had to shift his weight to reach

the clasp of the key chain. It was the opportunity Jennifer had been

waiting for.

By reaching for the key he had put himself off balance and given her a

leverage point. Before he had realized what was happening she had spun

out of his grasp while locking both hands on his right wrist. She

twisted his arm up and around until he found himself on the way down;

the alternative was a dislocated shoulder. No sooner was he on his knees

than one of her hands found his scrotum and gave it a twisting squeeze.

David screamed for her to stop.

"So we understand each other?" she grunted, "Try something like that

again and I'll make you regret it. As it stands, you've just earned

yourself a couple of Ducolax. Now you're going to lie down on the table,

very nicely." She waited until he nodded his surrender and then guided

him to his feet without relaxing either of her grips. The hand at his

arm moved swiftly to his throat, threatening to choke him if he resisted.

He had no choice but to climb onto the table, ever mindful of the waves

of pain that either of her hands could inflict at a moment's notice. He

felt the piled cloth under his buttocks as his feet found the stirrups,

forcing his legs wide, keeping him vulnerable.

The hand disappeared from his throat but only to draw a wide band of

canvass across his torso. She was able to lock it with only one hand and

a second strap was then fastened across his belly. His arms were trapped

inside. Only when she was satisfied that the straps were secure did

Jennifer release her grip on his manhood. She went to the stirrups and

pulled two more straps tightly over each leg. He tested the bonds and

found them secure.

He had no choice but watch her and she made sure he learned from the

experience. She went to a glass cupboard and took a handful of small

foil wrapped items from a box. He was too far away to read the label.

When she returned she leaned close to him, her perfume filling his

nostrils with the scent of powerful femininity. Unseen, her other hand

found his virgin rosette, now exposed by the angle of his spread and

elevated legs.

She was so close he could see exactly how much makeup she used. He felt

her eyes burn into him while her finger explored his most intimate


"Do you know how Ducolax works?" she said huskily, almost in a whisper.

She waited for him to shake his head. "It irritates the lining of the

colon, causing it to contract and violently expel its contents. Usually

it works within about fifteen minutes but I'm sure that by giving you a

triple dose we'll see results much sooner than that." David groaned at

the thought of it. He wiggled against the straps in a vain attempt to

escape his fate.

With great care Jennifer made a display out of unwrapping each of the

three suppositories before his eyes. When they nestled in the palm of

her hand she held them close for him to get a good look at the waxy,

bullet shaped plugs. "Just think," she whispered, "Susan only had one of

these and look at her." Almost on cue, Susan whimpered and convulsed


"Please," David pleaded, "I'm sorry. But please don't put them in me!"

He was really pleading now. His imagination was full of what those three

innocent looking pessaries would do once they were at work inside him.

But even as he did his best to sway her, she was pressing the first of

the little plugs past his tensed anus. Two more followed quickly.

He immediately felt a mild burning that quickly escalated into hot

cramping as his body heat melted the three suppositories. Jennifer

worked quickly, pinning the diapers tightly and fitting a pair of

snap-on plastic panties over top.

He was rocking his hips and tensing in reaction to the growing internal

distress, the fire deep inside him, as she released the straps and bent

his arm around behind him to ensure his cooperation on the way to his


So occupied with his cramps, David barely noticed the thick diapers

between his legs that made him waddle towards the waiting crib-cage.

Each spasm brought more pain and weakened him further until he found he

could barely stand. He yearned to lie down on the mattress as he had

yearned for nothing before.

He moaned and cried and pleaded for relief as Jennifer fitted his arms

into the sleeves of a strait jacket. He didn't care what she did to him;

he just wanted to lie down, bring his legs back over his chest and ease

the cramping. There was a growing storm deep inside him and he both

wanted to be rid of it and yet save himself the discomfort that

expulsion would surely bring.

His bladder gave way of its own accord while Jennifer was tightening the

buckles down his back and when she pulled the plastic covered crotch

band tight he felt the hot wet cloth pressed against his shaven

genitals. He didn't care.

She crossed his arms and tightened the straps that held them that way.

Then, finally, she let him lie down on the plastic mattress cover. It

was blessed relief and he started to raise his legs only to have her

grip one of his ankles and bind it in a cuff attached at the foot of the


"Please no!" he whimpered between spasms as he felt his other ankle

being secured. He looked up at her, frantic with agony, "You can't do

this to me!"

It was the last thing he said for quite some time. No sooner had he

finished the sentence than Jennifer had filled his mouth with an

oversized pacifier, the rubber bulb pushing his tongue down, stifling

his protests. She had little trouble fastening the strap about his head.

As he suddenly realized what cruel ingenuity was behind his condition,

David looked up into the pretty face of his tormentor. She looked down

at him with a little pity as she fastened his elbows to the bed with

straps. Then she wiped the perspiration from his forehead. "Sleep well,

little baby. I'll look in on you both later this afternoon." Her voice

was soft, reassuring, but it did nothing to dispel the wave of terror

filled panic that washed over him. The crib side was drawn up and

locked. She didn't even turn around on her way out of the room.

A movement above him caused David to look up, only to see his reflection

in a full length mirror over the crib. Though the top of the crib was

barred he had little difficulty watching his every convulsion as his

behind delivered wave after wave of sticky, acidic mush into the waiting

diaper. He watched his body behave beyond his control, studied the many

straps and devices that bound him and listened to his own muffled grunts

and moans as he lay helpless under the onslaught of the suppositories.

He perspired so much that the sweat dripped into his eyes blurring his


He didn't care about anything but the next spasm, hoping it would be the

last, praying that each movement would carry away the three angry

hornets and ease the storm they caused. He had never felt such a

compelling need to expel; it was all he could think of, all he lived for

during each endless convulsion.

He quickly weakened and soon his bladder released a little trickle with

each spasm. As he sensed the effluent spreading out beneath him and

realized his total helplessness, he felt himself give up the fight,

letting the drugs take their course.

Eventually the spasms came farther apart and grew weaker. Soon he was

able to tolerate them without screaming into the rubber bulb. Only then

did he turn and see that Susan was watching him.

She grunted into her own pacifier, the best expression of sympathy that

she could manage. He studied her confinement, found it identical to his

own and then met her eyes again. They lay staring at one another, each

wanting so desperately to talk, to share the torment and yet each

forestalled from such a simple act.

And so the shadows deepened. David had nothing to do but feel the dirty

and soaked diaper as it clung to him. Inside the strait jacket he was

bathed in sweat and began to itch. There was nothing he could do to stop

it. Susan too rolled and tugged against her bonds, suffering the same

symptoms. Between the two bound and helpless patients there grew a

silent bond of mutual sympathy and despair.


2tewi 9 years ago  
DiaperedDavid 11 years ago  
n/a 14 years ago  
Red rubber gallon bag 15 years ago