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Thomas' Physical Exam

Thomas' Physical Exam

Thomas’ Physical Exam

In the Waiting Room

Tom sat in the waiting room at the Clinic and thought about how he ended up there. When his wife, Jenny found out he had not been to a doctor since his teens, she demanded that he go and get a complete physical. In fact, she made the appointment and drove him to the Clinic. It wasn’t unusual for Tom to follow his wife’s directions, he just complied.

There was a bunch of paperwork that he had to fill out. There were some questions that made him blush. Sex questions. He wasn’t a prude, but talking about their sex life was embarrassing. And see, that’s where the problem lies. Tom was rather submissive and easily embarrassed. And he finds it gets him aroused. Jenny knew this and she used it to her advantage.

He finishes the paperwork and returns it to the reception desk. He wonders what a complete physical included. Some of the guys talked about having to drop their pants during one. Tom just hope that didn’t happen. He even preferred to get undressed in the dark.

After a while, a young woman opened a door and called his name. “Follow me.” She led him down a hallway and stopped at the restroom. “We need a urine sample. Take this cup, pee some and when you’re done, put it behind that little door above the sink.”

Tom did as he was told and came back out. “That’s good. Now let’s go into the exam room.” They entered and he gazed around the room. The exam table was in the middle of the room. In fact, it almost filled the little room. There were posters of various anatomical views on one wall. “Come here, please have a seat. My name is Lisa. I am Dr. Williams’ assistant.” She proceeded to take Thomas’ history and asked him what the reason was for the visit.

“I’mhereforaphysical,” Thomas said quickly. He was blushing with his ears bright red.

“All right then. Let me get your vitals and Dr. Williams will finish the rest.” She proceeded to wrap his arm with the BP cuff. Inflating it tightly and releasing the air slowly, she listened with her stethoscope on his arm. “142/86. It’s kinda high, but under the circumstances, I suppose that’s to be expected.” She checked his pulse and observed his respirations. She ran the temp scanner across his forehead. She wrote everything down as she went. Getting up, she said, “Dr. Williams will be with you momentarily,” and left the room.

Thomas sat fidgeting in the chair. “What did I get myself into?” Suddenly there was a quiet knock on the door. “Come in,” he squeaked out.

And So It Begins

Through the door walked a stunning woman. She looked like she was in her late 30s or so, rather tall, with beautiful green eyes, and short brown hair. She was wearing light blue scrubs that accentuated her body. She kept herself in good shape. Thomas had never even given a thought that the doctor could be a woman. She approached Thomas and held out her hand, “Hello Thomas, I’m Dr. Stephanie, Stephanie Williams.”

He reached out with his hand and said, “Hello, I’m Thomas, but you can call me Tom.”

She firmly took hold of his hand. “I understand you wanted to get a complete physical.”

“Yes,” he stammered. “Jenny told me I had to get one. I haven’t been to a doctor for years and she demanded I get a complete physical. He sat with his head down, looking at the floor.

It was becoming obvious to Stephanie that Thomas was more of a submissive type. “I am going to have fun with this one. He’s totally unaware of what goes on,” she thought to herself. She knew she wasn’t supposed to have those thoughts about a patient, but sometimes she just can’t help herself. This was one of those times.

“I need you to take off your shirt and hop up on the table for me.” As he did as he was told, Dr. Stephanie stood behind him to his right. “I’m going to start at the top and work my way down.” She took the otoscope and checked his ears and nose. Then took a penlight and checked his pupils. “Open wide and stick out your tongue, say ahhhh. Alright, everything's good there.”

Taking the stethoscope from out of her pocket, she asked him some questions, “Thomas, have you ever gotten short of breath, ever get dizzy, have any chest pain?” Tom shook his head no. She stood behind him again and placed the stethoscope on his back. “Take some deep breaths for me.” After listening to his breathing, she moved to the front and began to auscultate his heart, listening for any abnormalities. With that, she put the stethoscope around her neck. “Everything sounds good to me. In her head, she was thinking, “OK, time for some fun.”

Gently, she slid her hands across his throat. Pressing gently, she checked his glands. Completing that, she began caressing his neck and behind his ears. Thomas lowered his head looking embarrassed. “Swallow for me.” She continued her gentle touch. She smiled and nodded approvingly as Thomas sighed.

“Oh my god,” Tom thought to himself. “Is it supposed to feel that good?” That thought caused a wave of embarrassment to flood his body.

The Exam Continues

Dr. Stephanie slowly moved her hands down his chest. Thomas felt a shiver course through his body. She palpated his upper chest. “I know it’s uncommon, but men do sometimes get cancer in the breast, so please put both hands behind your head.” Starting on the left side, her fingers pressed around his flesh and slid a finger across his nipple. When it responded by getting harder, she took it between her fingers and squeezed, first gently, then firmly. She did the same on the right.

Thomas felt shocks of arousal as the doctor pinched his nipples. His head began to swim. He could smell the subtle smell of flowers as she stood so close. He could feel her breast press against him as her hands seemed to touch every square inch of skin. He shivered with excitement.

“Thomas, is everything alright? Is there any pain or discomfort?” She had a serious look on her face but inside knew how Thomas was reacting and why. After he shook his head no, she said, “Thomas, lie back on the table.” She pulled the extension out for his legs. Thomas did as he was told.

Dr. Stephanie was really beginning to enjoy how Thomas was reacting to her touch. He flinched every time she said his full name. She also noticed that there was a little bit of a bulge growing in his pants. “Thomas, I am going to check your abdomen.” She started by listening to his belly for bowel sounds. She looked him in the eyes and said, “Do you move your bowels regularly?”

Thomas was so conflicted. “It’s just a physical exam. I’m not supposed to be getting aroused” But at the same time, he had to admit what was happening felt really good. Her question snapped him out of the daze, “Yeah, er, no I don’t have any trouble there.”

“Good, you should be moving your bowels every other day or so. Now, let me know if anything causes any discomfort.” She began pressing first gently, then in spots more firmly. Slowly but surely, she moved her hands lower and lower on his body. Finally, her hands slid under the waistband of his jeans. "Any pain here?"

Tom shuddered and turned bright red. It embarrassed him, laying there half undressed. And he realized that his cock was starting to grow.

“You can sit up now.” She sat on a rolling stool and went to the desk, making notes in his file.

Tom took a deep breath. It was over. He was done, and he didn’t have to undress any further. He had no idea how wrong he was.

Fully Exposed

“Get up and remove your pants. Leave your underwear on...for now.” Stephanie sounded very much like an officer would give orders to a recruit. “Come on, Thomas, step it up. Lie back down when you finally get them off.”

Thomas said, “Yes, ma’am." He laid back on the table, his cock growing a little more. She stood at the foot of the table and checked his legs and feet. Then almost seductively, she moved her hands up his legs, until her fingertips were just at the hem of his shorts. He closed his eyes and another soft sigh escaped his lips.

“So far so good.” Stephanie walked over to a cabinet. Thomas was relieved since he thought this meant she was done. No, for Thomas, the worst was yet to come. Stephanie relished the moment. Grabbing a pair of gloves, she turned and faced him.

“Thomas, stand up and take off your underwear. Face me.”

“Yes ma’am.” he was breathing rather rapidly now. Thomas stood there, meekly, with his hands crossed trying to hide his private parts. He didn’t like feeling he was on display. But deep down he loved it. His body tingled and blood started rushing to his cock.

Stephanie understood this and was determined to take full advantage of this. She watched him turn bright red as he climbed down and removed them. Once he was totally naked, she rolled the stool over in front of him and very deliberately put on her exam gloves. She pushed his hands away from his cock. “Thomas, move your hands to your sides.” She took his cock in her hand. She examined it carefully, feeling it growing in her hand. She checked the underside, rubbing it gently. Letting go of it, she pressed her fingers into the inguinal canal, “Cough for me.” She did it again on the other side, “Again.”

She moved in close, her nose almost touching his now uncontrollably grown cock. “Let me check your testicles.” She began fondling them, rolling them gently. She knew that most males find this arousing. By this point, Thomas’ cock was nearly erect. “Thomas, are you sexually active?”

“Uhmmm...yes,” he whispered. “But only ever with Jenny.”

“Do you use protection when having intercourse?”

“Jenny is on the pill, but we are hoping to start a family soon.”

“I see.” She went back to his penis. He was now fully erect. Stephanie noticed that while he wasn’t well endowed, he would certainly be able to satisfy his bride.

Thomas stood there in a daze. It felt so good, having her touching his cock. But he isn’t supposed to be aroused, was he? His arousal increased his embarrassment which simply fueled his arousal. As she stroked his cock, he realized that he was beginning to leak pre-cum.

With one hand on his cock and the other fondling his balls, Stephanie knew she had him right where she wanted him. “Ok, Thomas, there’s only one more part of the exam left.” She stepped over to retrieve a small cup from the cabinet. “Since you want to have children, I am going to take a sperm sample.” If Thomas had opened his eyes, he would have seen the doctor grinning.

“Lie back on the table. Bend your knees, put your feet flat on the table.” She ordered.

“Yes, ma’am” Thomas laid back on the table. His cock and balls were on full display. He closed his eyes, not knowing what to expect.

Taking a tube of surgilube, she squirted a glob on the fingers of her right hand. She rubbed some of it onto her left hand. She put the specimen cup between his feet. “Now, Thomas, it’s very important that you relax. I need to examine your prostate. I do that by inserting a finger into your rectum. This might feel a little cold”

“She’s going to do what?” Thomas felt her finger touch his hole. “Oh my god,” he thought. As her finger went deeper, his cock got even harder.

Stephanie took her left hand and wrapped it around his cock. “Alright, Thomas, I need you to ejaculate for me. You can do that, can’t you?” She continued stroking and her right middle finger found his prostate and began rubbing and pressing on it.

“Holy crap. I feel like I am going to explode.” Thomas’ hips were rising and falling with each stroke of his cock. “I...I...think I’m...going to cum.”

“That’s it, Thomas. Cum for Dr. Stephanie. Let it out.” Raising her head, she said, "I want you to cum.”

His ears flamed red, cheeks flushed, With a couple more strokes, he felt his orgasm boiling inside him. Just before he came, Stephanie whispered, “That’s a good boy, Thomas.”

His whole body began to shake and tremble. “Oh god…yes,” His cock began spurting out that hot white cum. Every muscle in his body tightened and twitched.

The doctor pointed his cock into the cup and milked it. She massaged his prostate again before removing her finger. As his cock began to soften some in her hand, she squeezed the last few drops into the cup. She moved the cup to the tray and she rolled back in her stool.

“You can get up now, Thomas.” She peeled her gloves off and stood up. “You seem to be in good health. All we need to do is get this sperm checked and then will know how fertile you are.”

Thomas stood there, unsure of what to do. “Thank you. Jenny will be happy.”

“Now get cleaned up and get dressed. Make an appointment for 2 weeks from now, so I can go over the results of the test, and possibly get a second sample. Maybe Jenny would like to come with you.”

Thomas thought he would die from embarrassment, but all he could do is whisper, “Yes ma’am.”


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